Chapter 4 Friends

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Scorpius sat in an empty compartment on the train and waved excitedly at his parents and baby sisters. Unlike others in his year he was confident because he grew up inside the walls of the ancient castle that housed the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. As he waved and watched his family fade into the distance he noticed two figures dressed in black hooded cloaks following his family and ducking out of sight when his mother would turn around.

As the hooded figures dashed out of his mother's sight he thought that he saw a small glimpse of long blonde hair, though he couldn't be certain as the train was rapidly picking up speed pulling him away from the hooded people and the station. His thoughts were brought to a halt as the door to his compartment slid open to reveal a girl about his age with flaming red hair, large ocean blue eyes, and freckles.

"Hello, can my cousin and I please join you in here? Everywhere else is full," asked the girl.

"Sure, there's plenty of room in here for more potential friends," said Scorpius as he helped the girl pull her trunk into the compartment. "My name is Scorpius Hyperion Malfoy, but my family and friends call me Scorp," he said as he grasped James's trunk and helped him get it into the compartment and slid it in beside the one that he had pulled in for the girl.

"Can all of your new friends call you, Scorp, or is it just my pretty red headed cousin, who gets that honor," asked James as he looked the blonde over?

"Anyone who wants to be my friend can call me scorp. Just don't ever call me by any name that you might hear my baby sisters call out to me," said Scorpius as he shook hands politely with the dark headed boy with green eyes.

James smiled and shook hands. "My name is James Sirius Potter, and this is my cousin Rose Molly Weasley," said James as the two took a seat and watched the passing country side.

"Scorp, you said that your baby sisters might call out to you, how is that possible when they are younger than you and you will be attending your first year at Hogwarts with us," asked Rose curiously?

"Well you see my grandfather, mother, and father are all professors at Hogwarts. My baby sisters and I basically grew up within the walls of the school," said Scorpius with a blush rising to his cheeks.

"You grew up inside the school, wow, that's totally cool," said James. I bet you know all of its secrets without even having a map," he said with a mischievous grin on his face.

"I know of a few interesting ones," said Scorpius as he leaned forward to take something out of his trunk. "Do you guys want to play a game," offered Scorpius as he rooted through his trunk?

"Sure, what games do you have with you," asked James excitedly?

"I've got wizards chess, gob stones, and exploding snap," said Scorpius as he pulled his games out of his trunk and closed the lid so that they could use it as a table.

As they played together and ate various treats from the trolley, Rose and James bombarded Scorpius with all sorts of questions about the school. "Is it true that a giant will take us across this massive lake in boats, since this is our first year," asked Rose timidly?

"Yes, but trust me Professor Haggrid is very nice, and the boat ride is actually very fun," said Scorpius as he remembered the many times that his father had taken the entire family out onto the lake at night just to gaze up at the lights of the school.

"You said that your parents and your grandfather taught at our school, what subjects do they teach, "Asked James as he looked through his school books?

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