Chapter 2 Double Vision

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Four months after the birth of the twins Ellenore was attempting to dress and fix the hair of the two wiggling girls, while Draco was in hogsmade with Scorpius getting him fitted for new Slytherin robes. Headmistress McGonagall came in for a visit with baby Cassiopeia and Delphine and couldn't help noticing how the babies had changed since the last time that she had seen them.

"Ellenore, what have you done to the girls hair," she asked as she pulled Delphine's soft hair into two curly little pig tails?

"Nothing Minerva, They've been like that ever since I accidentally discovered their magical abilities. If you think that their hair is odd look at their eyes, said Ellenore as she finished dressing a very angry Cassiopeia who was now screaming at the top of her little lungs.

Minerva turned Delphine around in her lap to face her and almost dropped her in shock. "Merlin's beard, do they both have one silver eye and one black one like this," asked Minerva in shock?

"Yes, I've already had them checked out by Madam Pomfrey and the healers at Saint Mungo's. They say that despite the rarity of twins being born with two different colored eyes, that the girls are completely healthy and they have perfect vision." Said Ellenore as she attempted to quiet Cassiopeia with a bottle.

"You said that they've been like this ever since you discovered their magical ability. What did they do for their first display of magical talent," asked Minerva as she fed Delphine her bottle?

"They spoke to me with their minds when I was bathing them," said Ellenore as she lay the now quiet baby into the play pen. "Draco and Scorpius were freaked out when they did it to them earlier this week as well," said Ellenore as the door opened to reveal Scorpius with a sour look on his face followed by his father who was limping slightly.

"Why the long face on your birthday Scorpius," asked Minerva as she handed Delphine to her mother?

"Daddy, made me get a haircut," said Scorpius with a disgusted expression on his face. "Mummy, can I hold Delphine while she drinks the rest of her bottle," asked Scorpius as he took a seat next to her on the sofa?

"I don't see any reason why not. Sit in the corner of the sofa and don't let go of her," said Ellenore as she placed Delphine into her big brother's waiting arms.

"Draco what happened to your leg," asked Ellenore as she knelt down in front of him to examine his rapidly swelling leg?

"Nothing that can't be fixed darling. Scorp just had a little temper tantrum when the barber cast a body bind on him to make him stay still, and I got the brunt of his accidental magic outburst," said Draco as he winced when Ellenore touched his leg.

"You can't tell me that this break was caused by Scorpius's temper," said Ellenore as she summoned her first aid potions kit from the medicine cabinet.

"Daddy got hit by a bludger when we were walking past the quiddich pitch. He said some very naughty words that he made me promise never to repeat," announced Scorpius as he looked down into Delphine's eyes.

"Well then if that's the case you're going to have to drink these two potions before I fix your leg, because it's going to hurt," said Ellenore as she cast the mufliato charm around them to block the tender impressionable ears of Scorpius and the twins from hearing the vial language that was soon to erupt from their fathers lips. "Don't make me put you into a body bind as well, because I won't hesitate to do it if the need arises," said Ellenore as she aimed her wand at Draco's leg and cast her healing charm.

Later that night after Scorpius and the twins were tucked into their beds after celebrating his fifth birthday, Ellenore cuddled in her bed next to Draco and sighed. "You know Draco, I think that I finally figured out this weird thing with the girls," she said as she lazily drew circles and hearts on his bare chest.

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