Chapter 3 The Dark Stalker

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Ellenore awoke the next morning feeling well rested yet confused. The last thing that she remembered was dressing and feeding the twins. She was at a complete mental loss as to how she had ended up in bed. She rolled out of bed and stretched as she gazed out into the green depths of the black lake, and laughed as a grindilow swam passed her window and made a comical face.

Draco popped his head out of the bathroom when he heard her laughing and wiggled his eyebrows at her. On seeing Draco with his face covered in shaving cream she doubled over laughing harder before reaching for her hairbrush to tame her hair. "Don't even think about kissing me until you've finished shaving," she said as Draco came out of the bathroom in nothing more than a bath towel and shaving cream.

Draco watched her as she brushed out her long black hair in the mirror of her vanity, and gave her a penetrating look. "Yes, dear, is something on your mind," asked Ellenore as she worked on pinning her hair up into a French twist, allowing one long wavy strand to hang down on either side of her face?

"After I finish shaving we need to talk," said Draco as he placed a firm hand on her shoulder. "Do not leave our bedroom until I say what I have to say," ordered Draco in a tone that he never used with her before.

Ellenore knitted her eyebrows together in confusion as she watched Draco's reflection retreat into the bathroom, leaving her sitting alone... "What the hell is going on here? Did I do something wrong," she thought to herself as she walked to her closet and searched for what she wanted to ware for the day? After she had dressed she walked passed Draco as he walked out of the bathroom on her way to brush her teeth and wash her face. She smiled brightly as she passed him, but her smile faltered as he did not look at her or even return the smile.

After she was done in the bathroom she returned into their bedroom and took a seat on the window seat looking out into the black lake and waited for Draco to finish dressing. She was staring out at the abundance of life in the black lake and jumped as Draco placed a tender hand on her shoulder to get her attention. She turned to her husband and gazed into his worried eyes.

"Draco, did I do something to anger you," she asked as she tore her eyes away from him and looked down at the pillow in her lap?

"I'm not angry, Ellenore. I'm just terribly worried," said Draco as he took a seat beside her on the window seat and cupped her chin in his hand making her look into his eyes again.

"Why, Draco, what happened," she asked?

"Ellenore you were out for the entire day yesterday, and you just woke this morning. Something happened yesterday and it truly freaked me and everyone else present out," he said.

"What happened, Draco? The last thing that I remember was dressing and feeding Cassiopeia and Delphine. After that everything's hazy. I can't for the life of me remember anything that happened yesterday beyond that," said Ellenore as she brought a hand to her head and rubbed her temples.

"Elly, I came into the nursery to check on the girls and you were just sitting in the rocking chair with both of them in your arms. None of you were moving. The girls had even stopped drinking their bottles. I asked Scorpius how long you and the girls had been sitting like that and he told me that at that time you and the girls have been motionless for an entire hour. I ordered Blinky to go and retrieve the headmistress and Madam Pomfrey, because I just had a bad feeling that something was wrong with you and possibly the girls as well," said Draco as he ran a hand through his hair thinking what to say next that wouldn't scare the shit out of his wife.

"Draco, what happened," asked Ellenore impatiently?

"Ellenore there's no simple explanation for what happened yesterday. When you told me that the girls acted like a sort of mental amplifier, I thought that you were just kidding," said Draco as he opened his mind to his wife allowing her to see this memories for herself.

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