Chapter 12 Returning to the Light

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After the mark was removed from all of the death eaters who wished to restart their lives, to the horror of the death eaters who were locked in the cage Ellenore shrank the cage and placed it into her pocket. Draco looked at her with a stunned expression on his face. "Elly, Love, is it safe to shrink people while their inside of a cage like that?" he asked.

"Don't worry Draco, they'll be fine," she said as she grasped his arm and apparated him to Malfoy Manor.

She kissed him passionately outside of the gates before apparating away with a soft pop. He didn't know exactly where she had gone but he had a suspicion that she was headed to the Ministry of Magic. He apparated to Hogwarts and ran into the castle and straight to his quarters where his mother and children were speaking with the headmistress about his disappearance.

Everyone's heads turned in shock as he burst through the doors. Scorpius and the girls rushed him and began bombarding him with questions. "Daddy, we knew that you would return. Where's Mummy," asked the girls?

"I can't be certain but I believe that she's gone to the ministry," said Draco as he sank into his chair.

"Did the potion work on her father?" asked Scorpius and Rose.

"Yes, she's free from the dark magic because of your hard work. She told me to tell you all that she's proud of all of you, and will see you all as soon as she can after her business is completed," said Draco as he took an offered tumbler of fire whiskey from his mother.

Meanwhile at the Ministry of Magic.

After stopping off for a change of robes at Snape Manor Ellenore walked calmly into the ministry of magic, and straight to the auror's office. It had been so long since anyone had seen her in the flesh that nobody bothered her as she walked through the crowded atrium. She rode up the lifts to the Auror's office and knocked tentatively on the door.

Harry opened the door and his eyes widened in shock. "Ellenore, you're alive," he said as she entered the office.

"Harry, I have a few gifts for the ministry, and I'd like to make a confession and allow my memories to be observed by the Minister of Magic and the head of the auror office," she said as she removed the shrunken cage from her pocket and placed it into the center of the lobby of the auror's office, before unshrinking it.

"Half of the individuals in this cage are the death eaters who were freed from Azkaban Prison, and the other half is those whom escaped the aurors after the war. The rest of them who refused to give themselves up were killed by some rather large wolves in a castle in Transylvania," she said as she rolled up her sleeve to reveal her bare forearm.

Harry's eyes widened in shock. "You've managed to get rid of the dark mark," he exclaimed!

"No, that was done with the love and diligent efforts of my family. Because of them I am free from the dark magic that was poisoning me. Lucius Malfoy was controlling me and my actions by using a Befuddlement Draught and Gregory's Unctuous Unction, as well as the Imperious curse on me. I had no control over my actions and can prove it," she said as she watched Harry for a sign of reaction.

Ron entered the room wondering what was going on and his jaw dropped in shock and amazement. "Ron, Ellenore's captured all of the escaped death eaters and most of the ones that got away after the war for us. You and the other aurors take them to the holding cells down by the courtrooms, until we get there with the Minister of Magic," ordered Harry as he beckoned Ellenore to follow him out of the office.

Harry led Ellenore to an office at the top of the ministry building that overlooked the atrium from the lobby. "Wait here, Ellenore, I'll speak with Minister Shacklebolt first," said Harry as he knocked on the door. The door opened and Harry entered without a word. Ellenore used that time to recall all of the memories that she knew would help her case to the front of her mind.

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