Chapter 6 Taking Over

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Ellenore preformed all of her duties but was now never seen by anyone other than her students, Blinky, and the headmistress of the school. She patrolled the corridors each night the same as always, the only difference was that she was always under the protection of a very strong disillusionment charm.

Draco had gotten so depressed over the whole thing that his drinking had intensified. He missed his twin daughters during the year. He missed having Ellenore by his side. He worried continuously over her health and the fact that she was starting to look pale and weaker than he knew her to be. He had attempted to speak with her on numerous occasions only to be knocked onto his backside by her very powerful wards.

By the start of December that year Ellenore now had to use the sectumsempra curse on herself once a day just to keep herself calm during the school day. Draco had finally managed to get through her wards one day and she arrived in her office to find him sitting in her chair with his feet propped onto the top of her desk. She was about to turn around and leave the office when Draco flicked his wand and made the door slam and lock in front of her.

"I may not be as handy with making wards as you are, Elly, but I'm pretty good at breaking them," said Draco as he got to his feet and summoned her wand from her scabbard before she could reach for it. Ellenore backed into a corner in an attempt to move out of his reach. "Can we speak with one another like adults, or would you prefer that I use a body bind on you instead," asked Draco as he walked around the desk and sat on the front of it crossing his arms?

Ellenore turned her back to him and leaned against the bookshelves. She could feel the levels of Dark magic rising dangerously with her anger. "We have nothing to talk about," she whispered as she clutched the arm with the dark mark that was now beginning to burn. Draco walked up behind her quietly and cautiouslly wrapped his arms around her waist.

"Elly, please… I miss you terribly," said Draco as he kissed her neck tenderly. "I just want to help you, darling," he said as he gently turned her to face him and cupped her chin with his hand lovingly.

"It's too late, Draco, there's nothing that you can do now. The Dark magic is taking over. I have to go," she said as she grimaced in pain as the burning of the dark mark intensified making her sink to her knees and scream out in pain.

Draco held her closer when he felt her sliding to the ground. Suddenly her breathing quickened and her hair started flowing as if blown by an invisible wind. Draco found himself knocked back against the desk as Ellenore flew to the top of the room. "Help me Draco, you can't even help yourself. You were as pathetic a death eater as your father was. The Dark Lord should have killed him the night that he killed my father," she said as she glared down at him with her eyes flashing dangerously.

"Accio, wand," she called out as Draco got to his feet and attempted to use his wand on her. Draco gasped as his wand left his hand and flew into hers. "That's right my darling husband, you are out matched and over powered. Unlike you I do not need my wand to cast spells," she said as she placed his wand on the very top of a shelf that he would need a ladder to reach.

Before Draco could think Ellenore's wand flew from his pocket into her waiting hand and she evaporated into a thick cloud of black smoke and left the room slipping under the door to freedom. Draco ran to the door and attempted to wrench it open momentarily forgetting that he himself had locked it magically. "Damn it," he shouted as he paced the room like a wild animal thinking of how to get his wand down from where Ellenore had placed it.

He thought of moving her desk only to find that it was heavier than he thought. He didn't like being confined in such a small place and slowly started feeling like the walls were closing in on him. He screamed angrily and threw himself at the thick oak door only to end up dislocating his shoulder. He leaned up against the door and hit his head over and over again in frustration.

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