Chapter 7 Rise of the Dark Lady

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Weeks turned into months, and months into years. Ellenore's condition had improved in the sense that she was now breathing on her own power. The healers of saint Mongo's unfortunately were unable to control or remove the dark magic from her, so they were forced to keep her sedated by Draco's orders in fear of her escaping.

Draco and his children were at her bedside on a daily basis, and when they were at Hogwarts during the school year Lucius or Narcissa would sit by her side and watch over her. The room was still given a twenty four hour guard by the auror office. And Harry often spent his time either on guard outside her room or sitting by her side while visiting hours was over.

This continued up until June 28th of the year that Cassiopeia and Delphine Malfoy were to become of age to attend Hogwarts School. For the past three years Lucius and the other death eaters have been gathering more followers to take up the perpose of the Dark Lord under the command and Leadership of the Dark Lady. Unbenounced to his family Lucius had hidden his dark mark with a concealment charm, and was manipulating Ellenore's mind with his own evil thoughts.

He didn't care that he had lied to his wife and son about the dark mark vanishing. He didn't care that he was ripping apart his family, and taking the mother of his three grandchildren away into the darkness. The only thing that he cared about that night as he entered the hospital was freeing his Dark Mistress.

He knew from experience that there would be two aurors on duty as well as her healer. So an hour before he left the Manor he filled three vials of living death and placed them into his pocket. When he arrived at the hospital he purchased four cups of hot coffee. He poured the contents of the three vials into three of the cups and kept one for himself.

His first stop was to the healer's station where he found Hermione Weasley studying a large stack of parchments and scribbling her own notes. "Good evening Healer Weasley," he drawled smoothly as he sat a cup of coffee down on the desk in front of her. "You look tired, so I thought that I'd bring you a cup of nice hot coffee to keep you going," said Lucius with a charming smile on his face.

Hermione was now used to Lucius and thought nothing of taking the offered beverage from him. "Thank you for this Mr. Malfoy," she said as she sipped the hot coffee gratefully.

"No problem, it's the least that I can do considering that you have been working so hard to keep my daughter-in-law alive. Have you made any head way on her notes," he asked as he watched the unknowing witch take another sip of coffee?

*Yawn* "No, but I'm close. Thanks for the coffee, I didn't realize how sleepy I was getting," said Hermione as she yawned again deeply.

Lucius left the witch knowing that the potion was already working on her. A few more seconds and she would be out cold until morning. He made his way toward Ellenore's room and noticed Harry Potter and Ronald Weasley stretching and attempting not to yawn. He knew that the potion would hit them hard. "Good evening gentlemen. I thought that you two could use a hot cup of coffee," he said as he handed them the tray with the two styrophome cups on it.

"Thanks Mr. Malfoy, I was just about to go and get us some. You've saved me a trip," said Ron taking the cups thankfully.

"Don't mention it Mr. Weasley. Guarding someone this late at night isn't an easy undertaking. It can take a toll on a person's body. Thank Merlin, for nice hot caffeine filled coffee," said Lucius as he took a sip of his steaming cup of coffee.

"Right you are, "said Harry and Ron as they held up their cups in salute before drinking the black liquid within. He watched with a slight smile playing on his lips as the two wizards downed their coffee and slumped in their chairs out cold.

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