Chapter 14 A Mother's Fury

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A/N Like all good things it is time for the final chapter of our tale to come to an end. It is my hope that you've all enjoyed Living In The Light. Please enjoy the final Chapter.

Ellenore and Cassiopeia didn't return to the group, instead Ellenore Took her to another healer that she trusted. She knocked on Healer Molly weasley's office door and guided her daughter inside when the welcoming voice granted them entrance. "I expected you to be fawning over your first grandchild, Mrs. Malfoy," said Molly as she sorted through the charts on her desk.

"I thought that you would be fawning over your great grandchild, as well, but I am glad that you are on duty, because we have a situation that needs attention," said Ellenore as she made Cassiopeia sit in a chair.

"If you are coming to me, than it must be serious. What can I do for you ladies?" asked Molly calmly.

"You see, Molly, My daughter has just admitted to me that she was raped by a werewolf. Needless to say, I think that you know what we are in need of," said Ellenore.

"I informed my daughter that abortion potions are illegal but that there are other ways of dealing with the problem without ending up in Azkaban Prison. Can you help us?" asked Ellenore.

"Yes, please come with me and we'll see what can be done. While the Ministry does say that it is illegal to brew abortion potions, our laws are very clear in these circumstances," said Molly as she cast several diagnostic charms over the young woman, before rummaging through the potions store for the needed potions. She then turned and handed Cassiopeia two potions and ordered her to drink them both.

"The potion that I've given her is strong and will make her feel ill. A simple potion for nausea will help with that until the abortion potion has finished working. You will need to stay in bed and drink the nausea potion as needed, for the next week," said Molly as she handed Ellenore a few vials of nausea potion that would last until she could get home and brew some.

"Thank you Molly," said Ellenore as she and Cassiopeia left the office.

Ellenore and Cassiopeia walked back toward the maternity ward and found Draco waiting for them outside of the double doors. "Is everything alright?" he asked as the two women approached.

"It will be when we get home, Draco. We do have a bit of a situation, but we shall not discuss it here. Please give my apologies to Scorpius and the other's but I need to take Cassiopeia home and straight to bed," said Ellenore as she placed a tender kiss on Draco's cheek before continuing down the hall with Cassiopeia wrapped in her arm protectively.

It was late evening when Draco returned to Snape Manor with his other daughter and his mother. They found that dinner was already served in the dining room and was kept warm by a warming charm. As the three of them sat down for their meal they noticed Ellenore's plate was sitting in front of her chair untouched. Draco looked out the massive floor to ceiling bay window that looked out into the garden and got up from his chair to make sure that his eyes weren't playing tricks on him.

As he watched Ellenore paced angrily gesturing to someone or something that seemed to blend in with the darkness of the high hedges and the forest that surrounded the back garden on all sides. Then two low shadows encircled Ellenore before and he caught a glimpse of yellow as the light from the house reflected off of the eyes of the two black wolves, before they leapt over the hedges and bounded off into the forest beyond.

After returning to Snape Manor Ellenore saw to it that Cassiopeia got into her bed and was comfortable and content before she left her side. "You rest now darling. If you need anything call one of the house elves if I am not near-by. You are lucky rather you believe so or not. Before you and your brother and sister were born I was raped by your father's dirranged uncle. My first guide elf Amiri lost her life to prevent him from doing so again. I didn't have my mother to comfort me and to help me through it, when it happened, and because of that I did the only thing that I could think would make it better on my own."

Living In The LightOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora