Chapter 11 Serve Me Or Die

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Despite the use of a strong befuddlement draught and of another potion called Gregory's Unctuous Unction Lucius was able to twist Ellenore's mind from the time that she gave birth to his twin granddaughters. He now had complete power over her and none of the other death eaters were aware that it was him who ultimately called the shots, and not the Dark Lady. He had started to notice that the power of the potions that he slipped into her food was starting to weaken and he was now forced to cast the imperious curse on her on a daily basis when he noticed a flicker of her old peace loving self-shine through.

He had also started to notice that she was growing more and more depressed and longed for her husband. The task of keeping sole mates apart was starting to become an annoyance to him. She would always wear a pale green silk negligee to bed, and he would hear her call out to Draco in her sleep. It wouldn't take long before the other death eaters would notice the momentary flicker of her pure heart.

He took Fenrear with him and watched for his son to arrive in Diagon Alley to do some late night shopping for Christmas as he did for his family every year. The two robed death eaters followed the blonde man at a distance and held back until he stopped and admired a set of olive green ladies robes in the window of Madam Malkin's Robes for all Occasions. As they walked up behind Draco, Lucius cast a body bind jinx and Fenrear cast a special jinx to knock the man out.

They carried their prisoner back to their hide out and threw him into the dungeon roughly. Draco awoke with a pounding headache and blinked to clear his vision. He found himself to be in a small dark barred cell, with no windows and no light. He got up from the floor and quickly checked his person to see if the potion was still safely in his possession. He sighed in relief when he found that the potion was still safe in the pocket of his pants.

He looked up as two death eaters came at him with their wands raised. "No, use fighting Malfoy, so you might as well come along peacefully," came the familiar voice of Blaze Zabini.

"Blaze, I thought that you were my friend," said Draco in shock.

"I am, why do you think that you're not dead," said Blaze as he grabbed Draco's arm and dragged him from the cell. "I never gave up the Dark Lord's cause; you were a fool to do so. Perhaps the Dark Lady will be able to change your mind," said Blaze with a wink.

The Dark Lady sat in her throne with her legs hanging over one arm, reading a letter that she intended to send to the ministry of magic for a reason that she was not aware of. Suddenly she looked up as the doors to the throne room opened and Lucius walked in with his wand in his hand in a relaxed manner. "Sorry for the intrusion my Lady, but we have brought you a special gift for Christmas, "said Lucius as he turned and gestured toward the other two death eaters who were leading a man with a black silk bag over his head. Ellenore moved and sat up with a curious smile on her ruby red lips.

"Lucius, what need have I of this man? You know that there's only one man in the world that I truly desire," she said as she walked toward the bound man and ripped the silken bag from his head to reveal his face. On seeing that her followers had actually brought her the only man who was actually capable of pleasing her in every way that mattered, she smiled wickedly.

"Well, well if it isn't my darling husband, she said as she stepped closer to him and ran her hand over his chest down to his crotch. "It would appear that you've missed your Mistress," she said giving his rapidly stiffening member a firm squeeze. She laughed softly as she saw the burning of lust in his eyes. Take him to my chambers, I will speak with him alone," she ordered as she walked back to her throne to pick up the letter and hand it over to Lucius.

The letter is ready Lucius, see to it that I am not disturbed," she said as she turned away from him with the wolves by her side.

"My Lady, you must make him join us, otherwise we will have to kill him," said Lucius as he pointed his wand to her back.

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