Chapter Twenty

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"Oh, so you're saying that I should just turn myself in? I did this for you, Andy!" Ashley's anger was building up. "No, I'm not saying that. What I'm saying is that I think there could be another way." Ashley nodded as I told him the plan. "Are you sure this is going to work?" Ashley asked.

"Trust me, it will. My best friend isn't going to jail anytime soon, not without me at least." I patted his back. "I wouldn't count on that." Ashley smirked. This plan had to work, because if it didn't, my best friend was going to jail and the truth would come out.

Carter's POV

I was bumbarded with questions as soon as I woke up, the two officers didn't get the hint even after the sixth time me saying "I don't know." "So you're telling us that you don't remember anything that happened within the last 24 hours?" The taller cop asked. "That's what i've been saying, isn't it?" I was so fed up.

"So for all you know, you just woke up here?" The other cop asked. "For the 100th time, yes. I don't remember a single thing." A thought popped into my head. "But my stepbrother Andrew does, he was there... I think. That's what he told me." The officers just shrugged and walked out. 

At this point, I honestly didn't care who did it, I just wanted this to be done and over with. Nothing happened, so why does it matter? I was safe and unharmed, thanks to Andy. Speaking of... where is he? 

Andy's POV

I returned to the hospital, prepared to lie to the authorities. I knew that when they questioned Carter, she would refer them to me because she knew that I was there. "Are you Andrew? Carter's brother?" And just as I predicted, two cops approached me. "Stepbrother actually, but yeah, that's me." They gestured for me to follow them into an empty break room.

"We just want to ask you some questions about last night." I took a deep breath, don't mess up Andrew, you and your best friends asses are on the line. "Okay, that's fine." I shrugged casually. "Can you just tell us what you saw? Do you know who could have done this to your stepsister?" Of course they asked the hardest question first.

"Carter did this to herself." I said bluntly, the officer who was taking notes froze. "Excuse me?" The interigator replied. "She's been really depressed lately with our parents marriage, her mom just kind of sprung it on her without warning and her ex, Pierson, you know, the one you also interviewed, well he cheated on her. I guess everything got to her and she thought taking that stuff would help." The officers were in complete shock.

"And how do you know this?" I was oddly prepared for these questions. I could see notes being taken as I talked. "Why didn't you tell Carter this?" Fuck, I definetly needed to make something up for that one. "Well, I only saw her for a few minutes and she was already worked up, I didn't want to bombard her with this, she would be even more upset with herself." The cops nodded.

"Understandable, we appreciate your time." I smiled and shook their hands. Was it bad that I felt... good? I was so releaved to finally have a fresh start. I stopped at the vending machines to get a snack before heading back to Carter's room, but when I got there, her room was empty. I noticed Carter's doctor down the hallway, he was talking to Eleanor, who was clearly distraught.

"Hey, what's going on? Where's Carter?" Eleanor sniffled into a tissue as the doctor walked away. "They had to transfer her to a psychiatric hospital, she poisoned herself." Eleanor said between sobs. "I know, I just figured that out myself. She will be okay, she was just overwhlemed." Now the guilt started to creep in.

"I should have known by the way she changed so drastically... This is all my fault." Eleanor wiped her nose with a distraught tissure. "This isn't your fault. Carter should've talked to you instead of taking matters into her own hands. You didn't poison Carter, she poisoned herself." I gently embraced Eleanor in a quick hug. She just nodded and wandered towards the waiting room.


A/N: Finally had the time to update! Let me know what you think!

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