Chapter 22

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Zoya didn't make it home yet. I'm getting a bit worried cause usually she be home around 11 at night or 12 in the morning.

"I'm getting so scared"I said to the phone. I was on FaceTime with diamond. 

"Girl, your sister on her way like damn. Stop being a baby"diamond said. 

"Its just that, I dont want nothing to happen to her. I'm all alone in this state. No cousins, mom, dad, aunt, etc"I said eating a chip.

"Well, I'm sorry girl"diamond said. "When you coming back to work tho. You miss weeks of good money coming through"

"I dont know, I want to be done with stripping"I said.

"You dont have it in you"diamond said.

"I do, just not right now"I said. The reason why I stop was  cause my boyfriend. The dude i met at the gym, he wanted me to stop and I did. "I call you back tomorrow"

"Bye"diamond hung up. I look at the door seeing zoya coming in the door looking all beat up.

"Zoya!"I ran to her helping her in the door. She cried in my arms. "What happened to you?"my African voice came out.

"Zion"she cried.

"You should of listen to Amber.  Why would you even go to the white devil himself"I said.

"I didnt, he came to me and rape me"she cried. "He was jealous of Jason"

"Fuck him then"I help her up. "Come on you need to take a bath, eat something, and wipe your face. Did he punch you?"I ask with viscous eyes.

Zoya nodded her head. She got up and walk to the bathroom. Zion will pay for this. He wrong for what he did to my sister.

I went to my phone and dial Amber number. I dont think Amber know about this.

"Hello"Amber answer in her raspy voice. 

"Amber, get to my sister apartment quick. Zion did something to her"I cried.

"He did what?! Whole on I'm on my way"she hung up.

I ran to the bathroom seeing zoya taking off her scrub. "Wait, I want to take a picture  of this" I took my phone taking pictures of the cuts and bruise.

"Why?"zoya ask.

"Take his ass to court. That's why"

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