Chapter 47

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I slept in bed for almost an hour. My stomach was in pain so I called my doctor and told her. She said just lay down till she get here. Zable was downstairs with brad who came to check up on me. I wanted to call Zion and tell him that Zayda is coming.

"Zable!!"I screamed. I heard loud footsteps running up the stairs. Brad and zable bust in the door.

"Is she coming?"they ask all out of breath.

"No"I said bluntly. "Please call Zion ane tell him that his daughter is on her way to way world"

"Why?"zable whined.

"He's the father right"I said. "Do it"i rolled my eyes.

"I'm not mad at you"brad said.

"I know your not"I said. "I just don't want him to act crazy seeing you here"

"He won't. I got his ass"brad laugh. I smiled at him and laid back down.

An hour pass and I'm having contractions. That shit hurt like a mother fucker. I'm not having another baby.

"Hey"Zion walk in the room.

"Hi"I stared at the tv.

"Sorry I'm late. The restaurant needed me"he said with a smile.

"It's okay"I said.

"So when she coming?"he ask.

"I really dont know but my water broke yesterday and i had contractions last night so she should be here in like an hour or two"I shrugged my shoulder. "I'm scared"

"You don't have to be. I'm here with you"he grab my hand. I jerk back my hand looking at him. "I'm sorry"

"This baby won't bring us close. We just co-parenting"

"Right, cause you have brad as your new lover"Zion got up walking to the door. He's making it worst for me. I'm already thinking about the future with brad and the baby.

"He's not my new lover"I said.

"Of course he ain't to you"Zion said. All of a sudden I felt the baby pushing out and it hurted like hell.

"Ahhhhh!!!!"I scream. Zion turn around running the bed. I push the covers off me raising my legs up. I have to get this baby out of me. "Where is the blankets?"I ask.

"Here"he laid the blankets down where the baby can come out at. Zable came in then close the door. "Zable, go wet this towel for zoya and I need a bucket"

"Okay"She ran to the bathroom.

"Baby, deep breaths okay. In and out"I breathe in and out feeling her head.

"She coming!!!!"I screamed.

"Keep pushing"Zion said. I push one more time and heard a precious cry. My baby girl Zayda is born. Zion smiled so hard at her. "Baby girl"

"Zayda"I said out of breath.

"Baby Zayda"Zion said. "You did it"

"We did it"I said. Zable came in the room looking at Zayda in my arms.

"She's adorable"zable came running by my side. Zion cover me up and started cleaning.

"Make sure you clean yourself up and get some rest"Zion said.

"I want you to clean Zayda for me"I said. Zion nod his head grabbing Zayda smiling down. I grab zable hand so she can listen to me.

"Watch him"

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