Chapter 7

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Y/n P.O.V

"We all can't help but think you and Y/n is the same person because you two look almost the same. But my question is are you two the same person or what?" Baekhyun said and I choked my drink. Oh shit oh shit OH SHIT. When I was about to say something the boys got a text on there phones. They looked at each other and then looked at there phone.

"What did you guys got?" I asked and was relieved that I didn't have to answer their question.

"The school blog" Lay answer and put down his phone.

"Oh really let me see" I said exited and Baekhyun give me his phone. There it was a picture of me talking to the police and the text under the picture says

'I was taking my morning run when I saw Y/n talking to the police in the bubble tea shop. I heard a little what they was talking about and it was about her. The police asked after Choi Y/n but she said she wasn't that person and give the police a fake name. Then she asked what they wanted to say to her and they answer with about her parents death. They are probably looking for her to put her in jail but of course they can't take her from school. Do you wanna know why, well I gonna tell you why. The police and Y/n said that when she is in school they are not allowed to take her but after school she is working in the bubble tea shop to pay the police boss. She also sleeping with him so she doesn't need to be in jail. She is having him under her control and she can do what the fuck she wants. So be careful around her she maybe gonna do something bad to you too like she did to me. I'm just warning you to not mess with her if you don't have her under your control.'

I can't believe my old best friend did this to me it is probably Sara's plan but still. She didn't even tell the truth it is just all a lie.

"Bella are you okay?" Sehun snapped me out from my thoughts.

"Yeah I just can't believe this" I said and give Baekhyun his phone back.

"Same I didn't know a shy girl like Y/n is doing all that because she doesn't want to be in jail" Chanyeol said and I felt like a hundreds knives stabbed me in the chest at the same time. They believe it and I just can't prove them that all that is fake.

"Oh guys we shouldn't talk about this Bella seems a bit down" Suho said and patted my back.

"It is okay I just can't handle to much drama" I said and give them all a smile.

"I'm sorry but I need to leave I may get a panic attack if I stay any longer and you guys probably wanna talk about this bye" I said and walked home. When I got home I looked the door fast and run to the bathroom, I took out the shaving blade from the drawer. I sit in the bathtub and fill it a little with cold water. Staring at the blade and thinking about it all. Just one cut would be fine or even two no one will ever see it.

(A/n hey I will just say that if you don't like this cutting thing or something like that pleas don't read the rest of the chapter.)

Lisa's P.O.V

I told Jisoo to take over the shop for me and so fast she arrived I run out from the shop. I was running to Y/n's apartment and when I get there the door was locked. I'm so lucky I have a extra key if not I would kick in the door. I locked up the door and walked in to the really quiet apartment. I closed the door behind me and saw that her shoes is not here only her jacket on the floor.

"Y/n?" I called out and took of my shoes and jacked. I place it nicely on the floor and then checked in every room. Now the last room is the bathroom and the door is locked there too.

"Y/n?" I called again and knocked on the door. After some seconds no one answer me so I rushed to the kitchen and got chopsticks and the rushed back to the bathroom door. I unlocked the door and I see something I will never see again. Y/n was laying in the bathtub with all her clothes and shoes on, it wasn't much water but it have some red in it. Her right arm is over the edge on the bathtub and 4 scars is on her arm. The blood is dripping from it down to the floor and in her left hand she is holding a shaving blade. Her face is wet from sweat and her eyes is closed. I fast checked her pulse and she is alive thank god. I guess she passed out after cut her arms 4 times and this is her first time too.
After a hour cleaning her and the bathroom, putting her in the bed with dry and clean clothes. I was making some food for her because she has been sleeping when I put her in bed. I was done with the food and I walked up to her room and put the food on her table. She had wake up and was looking at me with sad eyes, then her eyes go down to her hand there a bandage is.

"Y/n here eat some food" I said and she slowly nodded her head. She started to eat slowly and it was silence in the room. She is hurt and I know it because this is the first time she done anything like this. I had always stopped her from doing it sense her parents died. I have know her all her life and even if I'm only two years older than her I need to protect her. She is like my little sister and I don't want anything bad happened to her.
I know I know it was a while ago I updated but here it is.
I have been busy with school and right now I have no ideas about how to continue. I have so many ideas of other fan fictions but I decided to not begin it after I have finish this book.

Well I'm not really busy with school like I should I just don't do what I should do in school, like writing a fan fiction and fangirl hehe.

But I hope you all love this chapter and I gonna update so fast I can❤️

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