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THE last bell of the school year rang causing every kid in the school jumped out of their seats and run for the doors.  addison waited in her history class, not wanting to be trampled by her peers.  when the initial stampede had stopped, she dissolved into the crowd.  she kept her head down trying to avoid henry bowers.  addison had gotten into some trouble after that day in may when she met richie.  the girl had just made it to the back doors of the school when someone yanked on her backpack and pulled her to the ground.  bowers and his gang walked in front of the girl as she stood up.

"what the fuck do you want bowers?"

"admit it," he snarled at her.

"what?" she asked as she picked the crud from under her nails. this infuriated him. no one ignored him. he lunged at her and lifted her by the collar of her shirt. addison took a deep breath and looked him in the eye.

"say it. that you did tozier."

"nah," she chuckled.

"Say or i'll-"

"or you'll what?  you'll hit me?  you'll kill me?  you wouldn't do that bowers, not in front of your dad's cop buddies," she motioned with her head to a person behind him.  he looked behind him and slowly lowered addison.  

"fuck you," she said as she kicked him in the dick.  he doubled over as she walked back into the school.

"you'll pay for this you fucking bitch ass slut!" he yelled.  addison gave them the finger as she disappeared into the crowed of kids.

"best. feeling. ever," stanley said as all the boys emptied their bags into the trash.

"yeah? try tickling your pickle for the first time," richie retorted.  

eddie took one last glance at the doors of the school and saw addison walking out of the school.  

"hey, richie.  look it's addison," eddie said as he pointed at the girl.

"don't you fucking da-" richie was cut off.

"ADDISON!" eddie screamed.  the girl looked around, trying to find whoever said her name.  she finally saw eddie waving to her.  richie and the rest of his friends were standing next to him.

"i really hate you," richie said as she walked towards them.

"you'll thank me later," he told his best friend.

richie had a slight problem.  actually, he had a big problem.  he had a crush on addison.  they weren't even that close.  addison was pretty quiet in class and , well, richie was the opposite.  they would talk if the sat together or were paired up, but other than that, nothing.  when he talked to addison, the words didn't flow like they usually do.  the came out all wrong and sometimes he stuttered like bill.

"hey guys," she said. the boys waved and some verbally responded.

"hey richie."

the boy started blankly at her until eddie nudged him with his elbow.

"okay," richie said with a smile as he snapped out his daze.  addison chuckled and eddie rolled his eyes with a sigh.  they all stood there awkwardly until bill said something.

"We w-w-were th-thinking about going g-go-going to the barrens tomorrow at around eleven.  richie wa-"

"all of us were wondering if you wanted to come," richie aggressively said as he faced bill.  he looked back to addison and smiled.  

"yeah sure.  i'll be there," she answered hesitantly.  the group started to walk to their bikes.

"you know the barrens aren't that bad," he told her.  they were walking in the back of the group.  "who doesn't love splashing around in shitty water-"

richie was yanked to the ground just as she had been minutes before.  she jumped out of the way as richie fell over and knocked into stan.  patrick grabbed stanley's kippah and threw in on to the passing by school bus.  another kid burped in eddie's face, causing him to gag.  the gang started to walk away.

"you s-s-s-suck bowers!" bill yelled.   henry walked towards bill, licked his hand, and wiped it on billy's face.

"and you," he pointed at addison," you better watch your back, you little slutty bitch!" 

richie started forward but was stopped but stan.  the gang of bullies blasted their music as they drove off while everyone relaxed.  

"i have to get going but i'll see you guys tomorrow," addison said as she walked away.  she got on her bike and rode home.  

addison's mom came home at around eight o'clock.  the girl had already made her dinner and her mom's was waiting on the dinning table.  

"hi, baby," her mom said as she kissed addison's forehead.

"hey, mom," she said as she got up and put her plate away.  "how was work?"

addison didn't even need to ask this.  her mom sat at the dinning table as she ate her cold dinner.  she would always warm it up, unless she had a really hard day.  addison's mom worked the cash at the local five and dime.  the was a twelve hour gig with a twenty-five minute lunch break and a ten minute beak.  her dad was currently on some army base.

"you should be out with your friends," her mom said as she ate some mashed potatoes.  "not sitting here watching tv and making dinner for your mom.  after all, it's summer!"

addison washed her dish, kissed her mom on the cheek and went upstairs.  she turned the corner and ran into her sister, reyna.

"move, bitch," reyna said as she pushed addison into the wall, causing addison's head to ram into a picture frame.  the glass shattered made a bunch of cuts on her face.  addison ran to her room and closed it behind her as her ears rang.  she slumped on to the ground and cried for a while.  then next thing she knew, her vision faded to black and she collapsed onto the carpet floor.

song of the chapter:  rockabye by clean bandit


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