The Quarry

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richie woke up very early, 5 o'clock. the boy groaned as he rolled out of bed knowing he wouldn't be able to fall back asleep. everyone in the house was still asleep so he decided to get ready and then get breakfast. the boy quickly changed, stole twenty dollars from his mom's purse, and slipped out of the house without waking anyone up. he slowly biked into town, finally making it to the mini-mart that was open 24/7.

richie sat on a bench as he ate his pre-made sandwich and drank a slushie. the morning commuters were just getting on the road as he finished his food. the boy slowly rode home, taking useless turns to prolong his ride. he got home as his mom and dad were walking out the door.  richie made eye contact with his parents and waved happily to them but they ignored him.  he scoffed as he walked inside.  the neglected boy ran to his room and slammed the door.  he slumped down onto the ground and started crying...

"pull yourself together, richie," he said as he stood up and wiped his tears away.  the boy stood up and grab his backpack, catching a glimpse of himself in the mirror.  his eyes were red and puffy but he didn't care.  he packed a towel and his glasses case and ran out the door.

"addison, wake up.  someone's here to see you," her mom said.  addison rolled over, not hearing what her mom was saying.  

"five more minutes," she said groggily.

"up. now.  i have to get to work," her mom said, " love you."

"love you, too."  addison stayed in bed until she heard the front door open.  she slowly climbed out of bed, moving like a sloth.  the girl was halfway down the stairs when she saw him.  she came to a complete stop and immediately rubbed the drool off the side of her face.

"richie! what are you..." she said as she remembered the phone call from the day before.  "oh my god, I completely forgot.  uh, you wait here and i'll quickly get ready."  the girl ran up the stairs and then peaked her head back down.  "richie," she said to get his attention.  he looked up at her.  "you can take anything from the pantry."

he nodded and she ran to her room.  she changed into a purple sundress and then ran to the bathroom.  the girl quickly cleaned herself up and put her hair half up in a bun and left the rest down.  addison ran back to her room and packed a bag.  she grabbed a towel, a bandana, a bag of skittles, and her silver flask.  she filled the flask with the whiskey she stole from a grocery store and put the bottle back in her closet.  addison ran downstairs to find richie sitting on the couch.

"let's go, tozier."

richie turned got up and walked towards addison and just stared.

"earth to richie," the girl said after a minute.  he snapped out of his daze.

"yeah let's go," he said, avoiding eye contact.  he opened the door for her and smiled.  she looked at him and walked outside.  she could tell he had been crying, his eyes were still a bit puffy and red.  they picked up their bikes and richie asked her what she wanted to do.

"wanna go to the clearing?" addison suggested.

"sure.  we can play truth or dare there," richie said.  the girl nodded and the two of them rode to the edge of the woods.  they walked their bikes on the narrow dirt path until they reached the clearing.  the two sat on the grass in silence.

"truth or dare," addison asked richie.  

"dare," richie said.

"i dare you to eat some grass," addison said.

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