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"GLAD I got to meet you before you died," richie said to the new kid, ben.

"that's just richie's humor," addison said as she gave richie a quick death glare," i'm addison."

"i think we had art together," he said as he held his stomach.  addison knelt down to look at the wounds.  she gently moved the shirt up and saw a deep, bloody H carved into his side.

"bowers huh," she said.  ben nodded.  "he's a fucking ass."

"i hope he goes missing," richie said to no one in particular.  ben laughed as addison reached for her bag.  she pulled out a silver flask.  she handed it to ben who just stared at it.

"it'll help," she said.  richie stared at addison as ben took a sip and coughed it up.

she's so hot, richie thought.  he loved how her curly hair bounced as she walked, and her beautiful eyes that he just got lost in, an-

richie noticed the cuts on her face.  he knelt beside her and brushed her cheek with his hand.

"what happened," he asked worriedly.

"i fell off my bike.  it's nothing," she lied.  he didn't quite believe her but he didn't press.  ben took another swing from the flask and handed it to addison.

"thanks," he said.  addison took a huge sip and put it back. 

bill, eddie, and stan came running out of the pharmacy towards them.  eddie started to fix up ben.

"just suck the wound," richie told eddie.

"i need to focus right now," he warned richie.  addison and the rest of the boys watched the exchange.

"you need to focus," richie mocked.

"yeah go get me my bifocals. they're in my second fanny pack."

bill lost interest and slowly walked out of the ally.  his eyes fell upon something addison couldn't see but soon beverly marsh came into view.  bill offered her money she held up a pack of cigarettes and said something the girl couldn't hear.  beverly turned to the rest of the kids and walked towards them.

"are you okay? that looks like it hurts," beverly asked ben. 

"oh. no i'm good.  i just fell," he lied.

"yeah, right into Henry bowers!" richie exclaimed.  addison slapped him on the back of the head and billy defended ben.

"are you sure they got the," beverly paused for a moment," the right stuff to... fix you up?"  she winked.

ben's cheeks turned a deep shade of red as the rest of the group stood there awkwardly.  there had been many rumors floating around derry that beverly marsh had a long list of conquests.  addison knew it wasn't true.  beverly and addison had become friends during the school year.  they weren't like 'best friends forever' type of shit but they were friends.

"know you w-w-w-we'll t-take care of him. thanks again beverly," bill said.

"sure.  maybe i'll see ya around," she nodded.

"w-we were th-thinking about going to the q-q-q-q-q----quarry tomorrow. if, if you wanted to come."

"good to know," she replied.  "hey, addison."

"bev," addison said with a smile.  the romantic tension between bill and beverly was cute.  beverly waved at them as she walked away, eventually turning a corner.

"nice going, brining up bowers in front of her," stanley said.

"you heard what she did," eddie exclaimed when he was sure bev was gone.

Don't You Dare || Richie TozierUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum