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Hope sent a wave of earth towards her former teacher. Mr. Grayson blocked Hope's attack and sank the earth around Hope's feet. Hope earthbended herself out of the hole just in time to see a rock fist about to hit her face. Hope ducked and sent out another attack, but her test proctor reflected it back to her. She made an earth wall just in time and attacked her teacher while shaking the ground. Mr. Grayson put up his hands, the universal signal for surrender. 

While Mr. Grayson got to his feet, Hope glanced at the judges. Two were asleep, one was busy eating some kind of dessert, and the other two were talking with bored expressions on their face. Hope felt anger swell inside of her. Those judges should have been paying attention to her. They would be sorry. Hope's anger spread to the tips of her fingers, and she firebent a fireball right in front of the eating judge's face. The judge looked up, shocked. 

But Hope wasn't done yet. She sent a large fire blast near the feet of the White Lotus officials. The man woke up, and the two bored women looked shocked. Hope stormed out of the room without permission to leave.

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