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"Stiles, where are we going?!" Violet exclaimed angrily. "You said drinking, you didn't mention walking through disgusting mud!"

"Quit whining, we're almost there! And we're not here for you so shut up. We're here for Scott. We know heartbreak is hard." Stiles said.

"What do you know about heartbreak? You kissed that girl Heather once in the fourth grade and she decided you were gross. Then I started the rumor that she moved away because you were stalking her." Violet replied with a laugh.

"YOU STARTED THAT?" Stiles stopped, with his mouth gaping wide open. "They called me Stalker Stilinski for a month."

"Sorry." Violet said with a laugh and a shrug.

"Whatever, we're here." Stiles said, cracking open the seal on the bottle of Jack Daniel's and handing Scott the bottle. "You get the first sip. This night is about you, dude."


"Hey, Vi...." Stiles started after they'd been drinking from the same bottle of Jack for the last hour.

"What?" the 15 year old asked.

"Why'd you start the rumor that Heather moved because I kissed her?"

Violet began giggling as she thought back at the story, it seemed so ridiculous to her now. She was 9 years old, for crying out loud. "I had a crush on you—" Violet said, cutting herself off to laugh, "it was stupid. I was 9, you were 10, and I was so jealous that she'd kissed you."

"Really?" Stiles asked, "I have a crush on a girl...one who is 5'2", has bro—strawberry blonde hair, green eyes." Stiles mumbled, almost revealing his crush on Violet, but catching himself in time. "But hey. Scotty, there's so many other girls in the sea."

"Fish." Both McCall siblings corrected. "Fish in the sea."

"Fish? Why you talking about fish? I'm talking about girls. I looooveee girls, not only ones like the one I was just describing. Speaking of girls I love...Vi, how did you get to the school the other night?"

"Yeah, the truth this time." Scott chimed in.

"The truth? Uhhhh," Violet sighed, "fine. I was on a date, okay? And don't do that heartbeat stuff, Scott, I didn't want you guys to know."

"Who were you out with?" Scott and Stiles asked. But Stiles said it in a more jealous tone than Scott had, who said it in a confused way.

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