Both are clueless

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Cross' pov
I just finished doing my homework on my desk. I flipped my textbook closed and rested my head on the desk.

It was dead silent in my room, just the way I wanted it to be. I smiled.

I went to my bed and curled up with my blanket, ready to fall to sleep. But just as I was going to close my eyes....

"CROSS!!! I need your help!!" Ink yelled, slamming the door open.

My face gloomed and I decided to act as if I was asleep so he could leave me alone. "Cross! Bud! Please!!" he said tapping me infinitely. I was getting pissed and pushed myself out of the bed.

I rolled first before standing up, facing him with an annoyed look "what did you do now?" I gloomed.

He pouted with his lips puckered out "I....I think I messed up.." he scratched his head.

"It's not really a big deal" I'm now looking at Ink's phone to see his "PROBLEM".

" think I could take it back?" he asked

I gave him back his phone.  "I told you its not a big dea-"
"Ugh...What have I done??!!" he screamed in a pillow. I got annoyed

I patted his back to calm him down a bit "Man, your such a wuss when it comes to people your interested in".
He looked at me like a a child about to cry like his hamster just died of its own pee.

"Now what do you mean by that?" he asked. "I mean, when your inlove..your always jump to conclusions like these" I said.

"What?! You yourself said that it was one heck of a mess! And now you're saying that I'm jumping to conclusions??" He screamed "I just don't get youuuu!!" He then slowly curled himself into a ball and started sulking.

My face was annoyed at the fact he's acting like a child. "I didn't say anything" I gloomed.

He sighed. "Well, your right, I didn't mean to sound like I was wondering about their relationship, I know there just good friends like you say they are Cross" he smiled. I just sighed "your a dork". 'Well looks like I'm going to be washed up here for now' I sighed again.

Fresh's pov
"Broooo!!!! What did you dooooo!!??" I screamed at him.

"Ehhh!! I didn't know what to dooo!!!" Bro screamed back.

At this point, both me and Error are panicking. You know why? Instead of calling him to ask what he meant, Bro replied with a "Oh..uhh..we're just friends!! We-We're not d-dating or anything! 😐😞".

"Didn't I tell you to ask him what he was really thinking through that comment, instead of making matters worst??!!"

He started sulking at a corner when he realized it. I sighed "Bro,'s not going to get any wor-"
Error's phone blinged.

He flinched "excuse moi"(excuse me) he stood up with his face shocked frozen, opened the closet door then went in "au revoir" (goodbye) he said before slamming the door closed. I heard sulking and sighed.

(514 words)
yah, ahahah, it was meh birthday yesterday so I'm feeling good ryt now.
see u ya nxt chap~

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