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Error's pov
We quickly rushed through the door right after what Fresh had said. And Cross was here? ......I was slightly amused.....he was that friend Fresh was talking about?

We all ran not long enough to hear Screaming. I flinched then stopped.
I was left behind but ran again, right after I caught my breath.

I was there, but for some reason everyone was still and pure white.
I jogged before stopping at Ink's side.

"What's wrong Ink?"
No one responded.

I gazed at the direction they were staring and jumped in shock.

Fresh straightened up and laughed nervously "Uhhh....looks like Cross didn't need help after all...."

Cross was on top of someone in a black hoodie and black jogging pants. Face flat on the sidewalk "I told you to run Fresh". Fresh giggled slightly.

Ink rubbed his temples and chuckled "now let's see who's the culprit here".
He walked towards the person and gently lifted his head with the hood.


"Reaper??!!" Ink jumped.

"Reaper" tiredly chuckled and it looks like he snoozed to sleep.

We then heard panting from our backs and turned around, it was Geno.
"I heard Fresh scream but then I saw the box of granola bars and couldn't resist to put it in the jar perfectly!"
He said panting. We were still for a sec while still gazing at him. He straightened his position and tilted his head "what's wrong?". We all gazed at the nearly looking corpse, which was Ink's friend "Reaper". Geno flinched "d-did y-you g-guys-" Cross cut him off "No, we didn't kill him. I just gave him a beating for nearly giving Fresh a heart attack". Ink nervously scratched his neck "sheesh...sorry bout' him guys".

I looked over over at Ink with a hint of confusion on my face "how do you know him exactly?". He smiled before kneeling down at Reaper and lifting his arm "let's wait until we get him to rest in a nicer place" his face suddenly became serious "Geno, can you help me?". Geno nodded with a drip of sweat crossing his cheeks. it just me or....Geno hesitated?

I was clearly confused.....was it my imagination? Cross and Fresh were calm. Maybe I DID imagined it?. We walked a few miles on the sidewalk before stepping in the gate, revealing a worried PJ. "Fresh! I'm so sorry I didn't came to help you! I was busy with the "Thing" in the attic".
Fresh smile an ran over to his arms. "Nah, it's nothing to worry about really". PJ sighed in relief.

We all walked inside and Geno laid Reaper on the couch. We all sat down. Me, Cross and Fresh on bean bags, Ink on the small couch and Geno next to Reaper on the big couch. Ink cleared his throat "Reaper here is one of the people who also work in the café, while he's also working at the university I work in as well. Technically making us work buddies". Our mouths positioned into an O after processing his story. "The worst part is that he always works himself out for the sake of his son".
I slightly gasped at the end.

"Wait...he has a son?" I asked.
He nodded but still with a serious face. PJ suddenly walked out of the kitchen with a tray of grilled cheese"He's in the same university as Palette and me....right?". Ink nodded again "how'd you know?".
PJ placed the tray on the table in front of us and sat next to Fresh on the carpeted floor "Palette has been babbling about him being cute ever since. Especially during recess".  Ink chuckled.

Reaper suddenly lifted his head,  making us jolt "well I ain't surprised, Goth has been really getting gifts from admirers". I nervously smiled.
I gazed at both Fresh and Cross looking.......shocked? "You guys alright?".

Their heads slowly turned to me and both whispered in a creepy aura "Goth.....Goth......Goth". I jolted at how that literally made me white. Fresh suddenly stood up and looked at Reaper and his aura suddenly lightened up "So your Goth's father?". Geno nodded "and you two must be Fresh and Cross, the ones that walk and hang out with him? I appreciate your kindness for him and I can clearly see you two are worried about his disappearance, but he's in our house with a cold. And don't worry about beating me up, I was just really tired and I smelled granola bars". Both giggled while Cross smiled as well.

Looks like everything went well in the end. But...Geno was acting strange all this time. He kept staring at Reaper with guilt written all over his face and flinched when Ink told us about Reaper's son....I wonder why........
Meh, looks like the end is not FULLY well.


"Ink? Can to you for a sec?".
Ink nodded and went along beside Geno into the kitchen.
Well the curious glitchy me had the urge,so I tip toed right after they went inside. Well I just crept into the side so they won't see me.

(Ink - Bold
Geno- Underline
Cause I'm a lazy piece of trash T^T)

"You know how he got pregnant.....right?"

Their was a long pause

Ink sighed
"You don't have to remind me....your secret is sa-" "I have to tell him....."
"Are you crazy? If your doing this just because of how I regret not telling him then forget about it!"
"That and I really wanna see Goth....It's not really something if he sees me as a random creep who wants to see him suddenly"
" have a point.....Argh!"
Ink rubbed his temples and sighed.
"You can do that or whatever, but just do it at the right time an place"

Wait what?..

978 words

Pain and Suffering (ErrorInk)Where stories live. Discover now