Chapter 1

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I was sitting on my bed looking at the foolishness on my TV.

Who in the fuck wants a life sized doll in their room, staring at them? It's like having a permenant stalker watching your every move.

The dolls are called "Mindless Friend Dolls". They seriously are life sized. They're like 5'6 or 5'9. 

Almost every girl in my school bugs about them. One girl has all 4, and brought one of them to the last school dance with her. (She's one of thos people who no one ever notices, but I do.) She brought the one named "Roc", and it looked like she'd stole a dead body from a graveyard.

"Jaray!" I yelled. He's my 23 year old brother. When he moved out of our parents' house, I moved with him. I never felt safe around our parents anyway. They're the weird hippy type, and they used to try stuff on me when I was younger, to see if it was healthy. I never wanted company over our house, because it looked like a rainbow threw up. And everytime I got in trouble, I had to chant this thing that goes.

"I'm not perfect, but thy life is worth it."

I never understood what that  shit even meant.

I walked down the stairs because I didn't hear an answer from him. When I got half way to the bottom, his girlfriend was carrying a big box in from outside. She also lives in the house too. And she's 4 months pregnant.

"Uh..What you got there Shay?" I asked.

She let out a huge sigh. "Just something for your party. Jay needed me to pick it up while he's out."

"Pregnant girls shouldn't carry large things." I said. "I'ts a fact."

"Well tell that to your brother."

On some occasions, my brother isn't really at the house. I honestly think he's cheating on Shay like the sick bastard I know he can sometimes be.

I stepped over the box, and went into the kitched to mark the calandar. My birthday party is today, and I can't wait to see what's in that big ass box she just carried in.

The doorbell rang, and I ran to open it. It was my brother.

"Jay where the fuck have you been?" I said. "You got Shay up here carrying huge ass boxes! Do you not remember getting her knocked up? Mom and Dad may not have taught you better, but I sure as hell did!"

"Hey. Chill." he replied. "I was out getting stuff for your party, and I needed her help."


He wrapped his arm around me, and we walked into the kitchen.

"Are you excited?" he asked.


"Well you don't seem like it."

"My birthday is tomorrow Jay. Today is just the party. It's not that special."

"You want us to move it?"


"Ok then, stop bitching."


This is my new story. I thought that since He's the new member (And I have a slight obsession with him) That I should make one about him. Enjoy whats to come.

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