Chapter 3

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"Oh Jesus! Fix it! I can't see a thing!" I heard. I sat up in the bed, and grabbed my glasses from my nightstand.

"Shay?" I yelled. I didn't get an answer. I walked to my window and saw that both cars were gone, meaning I was home by myself.

"Is there someone in this house? A robber maybe?" I yelled.

I looked under my bed and got one of my bed slabs.

"Show yourself!"

I heard a crash. "Butternuts!!" Someone yelled.

"What the fuck?" I said. I put the slab down, and walked to my closet.




I pulled the closet open, and was greeted with a "Hello!"

"WHO THE HELL ARE YOU!?" I screamed. It was some.....dude in my clo-......wait......


"I think so." He replied. He stepped out the closet and walked around my room. I watched in awe. Am I going crazy? Like...what the hell is going on?

"Um....How are you alive? This is 2014. I get society is fucked up, but damn."

"What are these colorful words that you're using?" He asked. "I'd like to use them too."

"Are you serious?"

"Yea!" He cheered. "Damn, Damn, Damn!!"

I can't believe.....

"Why am I such a mess? And what is that area I was in?"

"Um....You are a mess because of my cousins. And you were in my closet."

"Oh!" He said. "Why was I in this 'closet'?"


"I am.....but not anymore." He replied.

"The fuck you mean not anymore?" I asked.

"You showed me love." He said. "I can't go back."

I walked out of my room, and walked back in. He was still there. Might as well deal with it I guess.....for now.

"Can you" I asked.

"Is that when you use these things?" He asked, pointing to his legs.

" That's walking. I mean use your you even have teeth?"

He flashed a bright smile towards me.

"I stand corrected."

"What do we do now?" He asked. One the bright side he's very cheerful. Almost gay, but I doubt he knows what that means.

"I'm gonna eat, then I'm gonna teach you how to eat, ok?"


"Do you agree?"

"What's 'agree'?"

"Do you want to eat, or do you not!"

"Sure!" He said. "What's that again?"

"UGH! Just shut the fuck up!"

"Fuck, Fuck, Fuck!" He exclaimed. "I love these words you use!"

I grabbed his arm, and walked him down the steps to the kitchen.

I grabbed a cereal box from the top if the refrigerator. "This....whatever your name is, is cereal. It's made of some shit no one cares about."


"Stop cursing."


"Don't use colorful words."

I then sat the milk in front if him. "This is milk. It comes from cows. Cows are farm animals, now say moo."

"Moo." He replied.

"Good job. Now you know what sound a cow makes."

He clapped his hands, and held the milk.

"What do you do with it?" He asked.

"You pour it in the cereal."

I made both of us cereal, and sat it down. And gave him a spoon.

"This helps you eat the cereal ok?"

"Okey dokey."

"Don't say that."


I demonstrated how he was supposed to eat.

"Now you try."

He actually did it perfectly. "Now what?" He said with his mouth full, everything spilled out.

"You chew."

I demonstrated, and he followed.


Soon we were both finished, with a few bumps in the road.

"Now what do we do?" He asked happily.

"What's your name? I didn't look at the box."

"Oh....I think is EJ." He said.

"What does EJ stand for?"

"Oh I don't know."

And I didn't see that coming? Wow.

"What is your name?" He asked.


"Oh. That's nice."

"Yea......we're gonna need an expert to tell us how you came alive."

"I told you. Love."

"Love my ass! It's more to it! And I know exactly who to call."

That creepy girl Adrian that knows these dolls like the back of her hand.


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