Chapter 22

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I loaded the stuff in the car.

Nope. I'm not going with them. I thought sending them away will be good therapy for both of them.

Until the return......if they return.

I'll be here, with Roc & EJ, doing god knows what.

"Try to stay safe!" I said.

"The fuck you mean try?" Prince asked.

"Don't get lost."

"Ok. Whatever."

Prince started the car. I waved as they pulled out of the driveway.

It almost hurts that I'm sending them away, but they're not seriously gonna be in any harm. I put a tracker I. Their car so I know where to go incase there's trouble.

"Taylen why did you do that?" EJ asked. Him and Roc were siting on the front porch.

"You know why EJ. This isn't the first time you've asked this question."

"It was a little harsh." Roc added."you acted as if you've never been disrespected or have disrespecting someone else. Because news flash, hanging up in your brothers face, and cursing him out, and running away is disrespect. And you just sent Ray off to god knows where for little harmless jokes."

He got up, and walked into the house. Slamming the door behind him. I didn't take him calling me a hypocrite lightly. Even if it was indirect. That's what he meant.

I walked in after him. "Roc can you quit the attitude and tell me how you feel? It's frustrating."

He stopped what he was doing. And walked towards me. His face was red, and he looked as if he wanted to shoot up a school.

" are....a bitch." He said calmly. "I'm not going to fuss, or yell, or try and get my point across anymore than I already have. All I'm going to get EJ. Get our stuff. And leave. I don't know where we're going, but were going far from here. Just like you couldn't deal with Ray, I can't deal with you. Bye." And he walked off.


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