Chapter 15

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"You are going to fill out this survey, so I can know what kinds of people I'm working with this year, and how fast you learn." The teacher said. I didn't bother to know her name, but she told us.

"Who's Ms.Carter?" She questioned. I raised my hand.

"You have relatives here, correct?"

"Yes mam."

"Is one of them De'quann?"


"He takes this class, do you know where he is?"

"He's with the counselor." I told her. "Along with his brothers."

"Ok, just checking."

I returned to my survey, and in no time I was finished.

Not too long after, the bell rung. I gathered my stuff to head out to the hallway, when The teacher, who's name is apparently Mrs.Shipp, called for me.

"Yes?" I responded

"I need a parental contact for you & De'quann by tomorrow, y'all are under the same roof right?"


"Ok. You say there's more?"

"Um..yea. Elijah & Romelo."

"Great. Just get that contact information, and we'll be good."

I nodded, and walked off. If we live by ourselves, and Jaray knows nothing about this..who's number am I gonna use?

I shook it off, and continued to my next class. I spotted Roc walking with these girls behind him. He didn't care, and you could tell. He didn't even acknowledge their existence, yet they were basically throwing themselves at him. So I walked over 😏

"Hey Roc....I mean Romelo." I laughed.

"Wassup Tay."

"Who are you?" One of the girls asked me. Her attitude wasn't very inviting.

"Well, I'm his cousin. What Thot bus did you jump out off hun?"

"Excuse yourself!" She yelled, and the others backed her up.

"Aight, y'all go somewhere that isn't near me. I'll catch up at lunch.....possibly, most likely not. But for now, I wanna talk to bye." Roc said, and we walked off.

"Do we have this period together?" I asked.

"I guess." He said, pulling his schedule from his pocket,"Yea, we do."

We entered the class, and sat close.

"They usually don't put relatives in the same classes." I told him.

"But we're not relatives for real, so there shouldn't be a problem." He chuckled.

"Ok!" The teacher announced."Welcome back, hope you had a great summer. If you don't know me already I am Mrs.Bryant. If you are new, raise your hand."

Roc raised his hand. Chewing on his gum like a farm raised cow.

"Son, spit the gum out, and stand in the front to tell us about yourself."

He walked to the front of the class, and spit his gum into the trash.

"What do I need to do mam?" He asked.

"Tell us about yourself."

"'m Romelo Roc Carter." He spoke

"What's your middle name?"


"As in nature? Like a Rock?"

"No mam, R-O-C."

"Ok, continue."

"I'm 17. I have 2 brothers you could say."

"Could say?" She asked

"They're more like bestfriends." He replied.


"De'quann, and Elijah."

"Ok. Anything else?"

"The girl back there." He said, pointing to me,"Is my cousin Taylen."

All eyes shot to the back of the room where I was sitting, and I slumped in my seat a little.

"Oh! Come up!" She instructed.

I slowly moved out of my seat, to the front of the room. Before speaking, I played with my hands a little. I'm not the best public speaker.

"I'm Taylen Carter. I'm 16. Romelo's my Cousin. I have a brother. That's it."

I walked down the row, back to my seat. Throughout the whole class period we just went through to learn who the people were. Then we were done.

In the hallway, we parted our seperate ways. Then I saw Ray. He was walking alone.

"Ray." I said. He turned to me, and shot me a smile."Made any friends?" I asked.

"Yea. It's like this mob of girls that walk behind me every once and a while. Asking me questions, and if I have a girlfriend. Or where my hair came from." He responded."You having a good time?"

"Yea, it's cool. I have a class with Roc, and you."

"What about EJ?"

"I don't know."

"Oh, well I gotta go. Bye."

He went up the stairs. Leaving me alone in the hallway.

"Taylen." I heard.

I turned around. And there was my brother.

"Where have you been?" He asked.


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