Royal Brothers AU (Part 1)

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King Thomas - 19
Prince Roman - 18
Prince Logan - 17
Prince Patton - 16
Prince Virgil - 15
Virgil's POV
"EVERYONE GIVE IT UP FOR THE ROYAL BROTHERS!" A man shouted as we stepped out onto the balcony, the cheers and screams piercing my ears.

"Its so loud~" I whined as I covered my ears. "Oh cheer up will ya? It'll be fun!" Roman replies as he lightly nudged me. I groaned. "Fine." I grunted. We both made eye contact and started to laugh. I covered my mouth, hiding my smile as he bent over, doubling in laughter. We both eventually calmed down and watched the crowd. I heard someone gasp.

"Ew! Why is Prince Virgil there?" I heard a woman say, disgusted by the fact I was even there. I don't know why, but that voice seemed to stand out the most to me. "Virge, you ok?" I heard Patton question, worried I was having a panic attack. I put my hand up. "I'm fine, just hearing some hate towards me." I shrugged. Patton leaned over and hugged me. I hesitated, But hugged back. Cause who can say no to Patton's hugs? We separated and I stepped up a bit more.

"OK EVERYONE!" The man shouted, quieting the crowd. "Today, your highnesses are allowing you to ask them questions!" He yelled. I jumped back slightly as I saw people's hands shoot up. "God damn..." I heard Logan mutter. I laughed and looked over to him. "What's the matter?" I asked, a tiny bit of worry could be caught in my voice. "Just so many people..." I saw Logan's eyes light up. Social Logan is a Happy Logan. I thought as I went over to Thomas as the man picked who would get to ask the 1st question.

"Hey Virge! What's up?" Thomas greeted as he put his elbow on my head. I smirked. "Nothing, Just the fact that I'm about to pass out. You?" I sarcastically replied. He moved his elbow off of my head and nudged me slightly. "Relatable." He quickly said, laughing a bit. I smiled at my eldest brother. It felt good to bond with my brothers. Then the mans voice boomed through the crowd again.

"LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, WE HAVE OUR FIRST QUESTION!" He yelled as I scurried back to my spot next to Patton. I saw a woman start to speak. "TO KING THOMAS: WHAT WAS IT LIKE BECOMING A RULER AT SUCH A YOUNG AGE?" The lady screamed so we could hear. I saw Thomas sigh. He knew our parents the best and was the closest with them.

"Well, it was stressful. My parents had-" I eyed Thomas worriedly as he choked a bit. "-had just died." He finished. "And I was only 11 so I missed out on somethings a lot of kids got to do." He said sadly. "But I got through thanks to my brothers!" Thomas cheerfully finished his answer while putting an arm around Roman. Roman chuckled.

The questions went on and on for each of them except me. I didn't pay much attention and really just zoned out, looking at the clouds forming a beautiful sunset. I then heard my name. "TO EACH OF YOU: IS PRINCE VIRGIL A CURSED CHILD?" A woman bellowed. I recognized her voice as the one that thought I was 'gross'. I felt my anxiety bubble as I looked over towards my brothers.

"No." Patton spoke out. The crowd gasped, shocked by the fact I wasn't evil. "Virgil is not a cursed child. He is not evil. He is exactly like all of us. He may dress or act differently, but he's our brother, and we love him." He said in a Dad-like tone that slightly scared me. I felt myself blush as I smiled gratefully towards Patton. "Thanks Pat-" "YOUR HIGHNESSES!" Our best friend and butler Joan bursted through the doors behind us, breathing heavily.

"T-the dark sides are attacking. You must get inside!" They spoke, panicked. I felt my hand immediately grip Patton's. I saw Thomas and Roman look at each other, then nod. I then felt myself being dragged in by Patton and hearing the doors click shut as I heard those poor citizens yell and scream in panic.
This wasn't gonna end well
708 words
A/N- i originally wrote a lot for this chapter but imma just put it in the next one shot (there will be a part 2). I found the images of the boys on Pinterest. Before anyone says- THIS AU IS NOT MINE! I REPEAT- THIS AU IS NOT MINE!- i believe it's by Availe on Tumblr! They also made the art/drawings I'm about to show you!
Anyways, here are the guys!:

 Before anyone says- THIS AU IS NOT MINE! I REPEAT- THIS AU IS NOT MINE!- i believe it's by Availe on Tumblr! They also made the art/drawings I'm about to show you!Anyways, here are the guys!:

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The Writing says:King Thomas- Had to take the throne at a very young age- Can be strict if he wants to-Is actually just a cinnamon roll- Just wants the best for everyone Ok imma read some fanfic nowLove u babs<3

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The Writing says:
King Thomas
- Had to take the throne at a very young age
- Can be strict if he wants to
-Is actually just a cinnamon roll
- Just wants the best for everyone

Ok imma read some fanfic now
Love u babs

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