Chance (Prinxiety) [PART 1]

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TW- Suicide.
Inspired by: MT_Reade
~Romans POV~

"Hey guys! I found a video Virgil recorded on his laptop!" I called out to everyone, except Virgil, who was at Jon's house, helping with After Ever After 3.

They all sped down, and we all sat down for n the large couch we had. The order as: Logan, Me, Patton and Thomas.

We all excitedly pressed the button, wanting to know what Virgil would record in his free time.

"Aight, this is recording I think." He uncertainly said. We all huddled closer as the video continued.

"So, uh. Hi. This is a song I made for my fri- family. Logan, Patton, Thomas, and Roman." We all awed at him calling us his family.

"So um, this is a version of the cup song, but my version. So um, yeah." He awkwardly stared while anxiously fiddling with the cup. We smiled as he started to do the cup choreography. He did it with ease, and he began to sing.

"I got my ticket for the short way out,
And I'm set on this, without a doubt.
But before I'm gone, i can't just leave with "so long",
So I'm gonna go ahead and sing you this song."

We all were in shock at him doing something so sweet. He wrote us a song! And lyrics do take quite a long time to write. And I would know, brainstorming could keep you up for more than just one night, it haunts your dreams, and doesn't let you go.

"When I'm gone, when I'm gone,
I hope you miss me when I'm gone,
Remember you are not the one to blame,
And you should not feel ashamed, oh,
I'll miss you all, when I'm gone.

I got my ticket for the fast way out,
It's time for me to disappear,
If you ever miss me,
Just come to this song,
Because I'm not completely gone."

"What does he mean by gone?" Logan wondered out loud. Thomas simply shrugged and Patton said a quiet "I don't know."

"When I'm gone, when I'm gone
I'll miss Patton when I'm gone
I'll miss your fatherly love,
I'm glad I was your son, oh
I hope you miss me when I'm gone"

Patton had tears welling up in his eyes, and he was smiling.

"He-he does see me as a dad. And he just- oh my god!" He exclaimed happily, hugging Logan for a bit before quickly letting go, both having raspberry red faces.

"When I'm gone, when I'm gone
I'll miss Logan when I'm gone
I'll miss us reading and our debates,
And i hope you feel the same, oh
I hope you miss me when I'm gone."

See, this made Logan smile that rare smile. And he looked so happy.

    "He-he would miss me? And he would miss our debates and special reading time?" He said, mouth slightly open in shock. I smirked at his silly reaction, and so did Thomas, while Patton was still fanning his eyes."

"When I'm gone, when I'm gone
Oh I'll miss Thomas when I'm gone
I'm so glad you were my host
And for making our little show, oh
I hope you miss me when I'm gone."

"Aw! Virgil is so sweet! I wonder what he meant by 'gone' though." He trailed off. Everyone agreed, and I decided he probably wouldn't sing a part for me.

I was a little bit hurt, but why would he when I've hurt him more? I insulted him, and ruined his self esteem. Well, at least we are trying to repair our broken friendship.

Even though I wished it could be more than just a friendship.

"When I'm gone, when I'm gone
Oh I'll miss Princey when I'm gone
And even though we fought quite a bit,
You're still the one I fell in love with, oh
I'm gonna miss you when I'm gone."

I felt my face flush a deep red, and felt myself smile.

"H-he likes me back?! Oh I can't wait to see him when he comes home!" I excitedly exclaimed. Everyone smiled at me and awed, thinking about our relationship.
We then regained our focus on the song as we hit play again.

"But when I'm gone, when I'm gone,
I know no one will miss me when I'm gone,
But if you do then please don't cry,
Cause it's my time to fly, oh
When you're done with this, I will be fine."

"Fly? What?" Thomas muttered, confused as ever.

"Almost done, almost done,
This sad songs almost done,
Now I hope that goodbye was fine,
Cause now it's time for me to die-ie, oh
Just know I'll miss y'all when I'm gone."

Virgil finished the cup choreography, and wiped some tears that were streaming down his face. He then ended the video.

He wants to die. He wants to die oh my god.

"THOMAS! TEXT JON RIGHT NOW! WHAT IF VIRGIL ISN'T WITH HIM?" Patton yelled, anxiously fiddling with his fingers as tears filled his eyes.

"I already did. He said Virgil is with him, and that they're doing the AEA lyrics."

I quickly whipped out my phone and opened Virgil's contact.

RoyalPain❤️: I love you too Virgil 🖤 we all need to have a serious chat about the video on your computer when you get home.

RoyalPain❤️: Remember that we care about you, ok?

I sighed as we all decided what to say to Virgil when he returned home.

And when we finished talking, and anxiously did our own things as we waited for Virgil to come home, I only could think one thing as I laid in my bed, waiting for Patton to come up for advice (since I had texted him).

Virgil and I have a chance.

962 words
Inspired by MT_Reade , their version is so much better tbh.

Please don't use my lyrics either! And credit MT_Reade If you have any inspiration for a sort of cup song theme of sorts. But you should contact them for what to do in terms of if you should credit or not.

There will be a part two from me soon, but not immediately. (ITS 3AM LET ME SLEEP)

But I'm proud of this, I loved making the lyrics!
Remember someone always cares. And hey, I care.
Love u babs, stay stafe, and stay strong.
<3 <3

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