Dinner with the Dark Sides

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Third Person

"Come on, please?!" Virgil begged as everyone looked at him, uneasy. "I don't know kiddo, what if-" Patton started, but Virgil cut him off.

"What if they turn out to be really kind and loving!?" Virgil retaliated. After hours of debating on whether or not they should invite the dark sides for dinner, they finally agreed on inviting them.

And Virgil couldn't wait.


Virgil ran to the door to open it excitedly while the rest of them stood in the back, worried.

Virgil opened the door and gasped in delight when he saw his old best friend.

"Hey Deceit!" He exclaimed happily as he launched forward, hugging said trait.

"Hello Virgil. I didn't miss you at all." He replied, smiling. Virgil laughed and punched his arm. "Yeah, Yeah. I missed you too ya dork." Virge replies playfully.

The other 4 were slightly shocked at how open the anxious trait was with them. But he did grow up with them, so it's only expected he would be so open to them.

"Where's Parker? I wanna see my twin." Virge questioned, looking around. "Right here!" Parker replied, making his way towards Virgil. Virgil squealed then hugged Parker, which was gladly returned.

After all the reuniting and introductions, they all sat down at the table as Parker and Virgil went over to the kitchen to help Patton cook.

  "Hey Dad." Virgil greeted Patton. Patton smiled back at him. "Heya kiddo! What do you need?" Patton asked, wondering why he was in the kitchen.

"Well me and Parker wanted to help you cook!" He replied, motioning towards Parker. Patton noticed Parker and smiled lightly, which Parker returned.

  "Dad, this is Parker. He is Thomas' fears." He said. "Parker, this is Patton. He's Thomas' morality." He smiled lightly as both of them shook hands.

  "Nice to meet ya Patton!" Parker greeted, anxiously but cheery. Patton smiled brightly. "Heya Kiddo! Nice to meet ya too!" Patton replied, the same way as Parker.

"Ok, you two go ahead and cook! I'm going to talk to Issy!" Virgil said, starting to walk away.

"Wait, who's Issy?" Patton questioned, looking at Parker. Parker perked up, happy to be socializing. "Oh! Issy is Insecurity." He replied casually, then leaning on the counter.

"So, What can I help with?" Parker asked, wanting to be able to contribute. Patton perked up and thought about what he could do. Then decided.

"Do you think you can cut those peppers, kiddo?" Patton asked, making sure he could. He was Thomas' fears, he could have Aichmaphobia! But Parker simply smiled and nodded.

  "Sure! Let me get a knife ou- EEK! SPIDER!" Parker screeched. Patton looked over to see a tiny spider crawling on the wall.

There a spider on the wall




It finally dawned over Patton. He let out a blood piercing scream, along with Parker, who dashed out of the room out of fear. Everyone stopped their conversation as they looked at the two hugging each other, shaking out of pure terror. Logan and Deceit sighed, stopped their conversation, and walked over to the two innocent sides.

  "What seems to be the problem?" Deceit asked as he stared at Parker. Parker shakily pointed towards the kitchen and stuttered, "S-s-s-spider!" He managed to get out. Logan sighed, and he and Deceit have each other a understanding glance.

  "I'll get the shoe." Deceit sighed, exasperated as Patton and Parker thanked them shakily and went over to sit with everyone else.

The two mature traits walked into the kitchen to find the spider that caused their friends so much fear.

"So," Deceit started, looking behind the toaster for the spider, "How have you all been treating Virgil?" Deceit questioned. Even if you couldn't hear it in his voice, there was a tinge of worry. Deceit couldn't imagine what he would do if he found out Virgil was harmed in anyway.

Logan stared at him before answering. "With respect and love. He does not deserve to be treated like trash, when he is like a diamond to us." Logan answered, lightly smiling. Deceit smiled at him and nodded in agreement.

"I'm glad to hear that." Deceit replies, telling the truth. They both gave each other a sincere smile before finding the spider. "There it is!" They both exclaimed. Logan raced over to it and was about to kill it, when he decided to pick it up and let it out.

"Be free." He stayed in a monotone voice, which made both Deceit and him chuckle. They both walked back outside to see 2 new sides there.

"Oh, hey guys! This is Missy, which is Misleading compliments, and Pranks! They are sort of part of our part of the mind space." Virgil explained whilst ruffling Pranks hair. Everyone introduced them selves to them. Surprisingly, Ajax, who is hostility, had a soft spot for the kids. It was pretty sweet to watch. As Parker and Patton went back into the kitchen, everyone conversed and talked together peacefully. Virgil smiled at them wistfully before joining in.

Eventually, Parker and Patton brought out the food, and everyone talked together again after saying their thanks. Patton and Parker had joined the conversation, so now truly everyone was talking.

Roman smiled at Virgil's enthusiasm. "Hey Virgil, I have a question!" Roman said, Virgil perked up and looked at him. "Shoot." Virgil replied, putting down his fork. "How long have you known Deceit and them?" Roman curiously asked, motioning towards the dark sides. He slightly leaned back and sighed.

"Ever since I was a baby. I grew up with them really." He answered. Roman nodded and smiled.

"So..." Roman trailed off. "DO THEY LIKE DISNEY!" Roman screeched. Virgil screamed and lightly hit Roman on the arm.

"Of course we do!" Ajax replied defensively. "Who doesn't?" He continued. Roman gasped and grinned widely. "YES!" Roman yelled again, which got him a harder hit from Virgil. Eventually they all settled back down and talked while eating some more. Dessert had been brought out, after all.

They all joked around and laughed with each other. Everyone was smiling. Everyone was having a good time. Virgil smiled.

Eventually, the Dark Sides, well, we cant really call them that anymore, can we? Let's say, the Opposites left, we cleaned up and went to bed.

And what were we all thinking?

Looks like our family just extended.

1070 words
Love u babs

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