brotherly bonds

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tw: bullying, physical bullying, verbal bullying, cursing
Third Person:

"Fuckin idiot!" A teen boy yelled as him and his friends beat up a boy with a tie and glasses on.
His name was Logan.
Logan Sanders, to be exact.
Nerd of the school, and was shy at first.
But as you get to know him, he's one of the best people you could possibly meet.
Except to his tormentors,
he was the perfect target.

Logan shook on the ground, covering his face and head with his arms in a ball like position, sobbing from the kicks hitting his stomach and legs, and the words hitting his heart.

"What a worthless piece of shit, right?" John, one of the bullies, asked his friends. To which they laughed and agreed with him, hearing Logan sob even harder as the kicks grew harder as well.
Logan thought this would go on for ages, until he heard a voice he recognized, and several presences he was very familiar with.

"Do you wanna step of my brother? Or are we gonna have a problem?" Roman whispered into the bullies ears, as he came up behind them. All the bullies gasped sharply, their faces red.

Whilst this was happening, his other brothers, Remy and Virgil, helped him sit up, and tried to calm him down. Virgil put an arm around Logan and softly hugged his twin brother as Remy whispered comforting words to him.

"It's alright, we got you. You're gonna be fine. You matter, we all love you bro." Remy whispered as Logan's breathing calmed down.

Panning back to Roman and the bullies, three other people had joined Romans side. Patton, Deceit, and Thomas.

As they all stood outside the library, the leader of the bullies spoke.

"G-Go ahead and hit me! I-I'm not scared of y-" the bully was cut off by a fist meeting his face, knocking him to the ground. Not long after that, the harassers ran away, terrified of being hit next.

"DECEIT! YOU CANT JUST HIT PEOPLE LIKE THAT!" Patton exclaimed, disappointed in his younger brother.

"Hey! He said to! I was just following directions!" The 15 year old shot back, defending himself. The 16 year old and 15 year old bantered, but both amused by the end.

Logan had calmed down, as his twin brother Virgil and older brother Remy unlocked their soft grips on him.

The boys were an odd family.
Some history on this family's ages?

Thomas was the eldest, being 18 years old. Roman and Remy were twins, at age 17. Patton was 16, Deceit was 15, and Logan and Virgil were also twins, being the youngest at 14.

And yet, despite the age differences, they were still closer than close, with providing for themselves ever since their parents passed two years ago.

But enough of the depressing stuff, back to the story.

Thomas knelt down to his baby brother, and lifted his hair, which was all ruffled.
The sight was terrifying.

His glasses were broken, barely hanging together. His favorite tie had dirt all over it, along with tears.
His shirt was all dirty, and ripped near the collar bone part. And his face was covered in bruises and cuts, and mostly, pure terror.

Thomas hugged his brother as he ordered Roman to pick him up, to which he complied to with no complaints. He picked up Logan, as if he was burping a baby, and they all walked home, trying to make sure their brother would be okay.

Thomas was ashamed in himself as they got home, Patton patching up Logan and Virgil keeping the two company.

Remy, Roman, and Deceit saw Thomas' face, and decided to talk to him.

"It's not your fault Thom." Roman whispered, moving towards his older brother.

Thomas sighed, closing his eyes. "It feels like it." He whispered. They all looked at him grimly.

They sat silent until Logan limped his way to the couch, ignoring Pattons protests and insisting on carrying him.

Eventually, the brothers sat on the couch together, silent.

"Logan, i-im sorry." Thomas said to his brother, to which Logan looked confused.

"W-What? Why? You didn't do anything wrong!" Logan assured his brother, but Thomas just looked at the floor, and began to speak again.

"I should've came with you, or just came sooner. Now you're all beaten up, and i can only blame myself." All the brothers were about to protest, especially Virgil, knowing the feeling of blaming everything on himself far too well. But Logan decided to reply.

"Thomas, you didn't beat me up. You didn't tell them to. You did absolutely nothing wrong and i don't want you to blame yourself, okay? We love you and hearing that just hurts us more than the beating did." Logan replied, chuckling softly at the beating joke.
Thomas smiled, and hugged his brother.

"Thanks Lo."
"No prob Thom."
Roman sat there, glaring at the two.

"... Roman?" The two hugging brothers said in sync.

"GROUP HUG!" He exclaimed, and jumped on the two, careful to avoid hurting Logan though. Soon enough, Remy and Patton joined.

Deceit and Virgil sat there, and looked at their older brothers.

"Goofballs." They synced. Remy and Patton glared at the two, and pulled them into the hug too.!"



Remy smacked Deceit playfully on the head and smiled, while Deceit sat there hissing. "Don't curse dummy." He commented, to which Deceit stuck out his younger, earning another smack on the head.

Virgil just sat there in the hug, not saying a word, wide eyed and uncomfortable.

The two twin brothers met eyes and softly smiled, easing into the hug and grabbing each other's hand, letting the other know that they would be there for each other, despite their history of fights.

The bond all these brothers had was unbreakable.

And no one could ever change that.

1035 words
A/N : y'all I'm so tired i have a party later and everything.
Tell me if you wanna see more from this AU!
it's good to be back
Love you all <3

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2019 ⏰

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