Act Your Age

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Third Person
Patton had always been the sweet, childish one of the sides, along with his host. But he was always put down for it, and they treated him like a child. He may act like one, but he's just as smart as them.
Why can't they understand that! At least Virgil treats me like an adult. Patton thought, sighing as Logan called his name.

"Hm? What were we talking about again?" Patton asked, focused again. Logan sighed tiredly and angrily as he re explained.

"We were debating on if Thomas should go to Joan's house to help them with some things, or stay home since Thomas is sick." He finished angrily. Virgil glared at him angrily as Patton looked away, embarrassed.

"Hey, you didn't have to be so harsh Lo. He zoned out, happens to all of us." Virgil scolded Logan.
Logan muttered something under his breath before beginning to talk again.

"Um Logan, what were you saying?" Princey questioned, hearing him mutter. But Logan simply waved it off with a "nothing".

And that's when it all happened

"No Logan. What did you say? It must've been important!" Patton said, clearly faking a happy voice as his anger started to show. Logan sighed.

"I said that Patton should at least be able to act like an adult though." Logan replied, monotone as always.

Now, Logan did not know he was hurting Patton, he didn't know his emotions that well, let alone others. But he wanted to learn, wanted to know what he felt. And when Patton was able to do so with ease, it filled him with jealousy.

Patton clenched his fists, his voice shaking. "Act like an adult, you say?" Patton whispered, now showing his anger. Logan nodded slowly. As Thomas moved over towards Princey and Virgil, who were nervous to see what would happen.

"Listen up Logan, and listen good. I try to act like a parental figure, and when I do, you all seem ok with it. But when I try to be more of myself and lighten the mood, you always seem to hate it. I don't understand what it is with me, but you have to accept that I know as much as you all do. I know how we all have a chance of dying each day, I know we can achieve our dreams, Hell! Without me, like Thomas said, we wouldn't be doing YouTube! And I know how to act like an adult, so stop saying I don't!" Patton vented, yelling the last part.

Patton looked up to see the look on everyone's faces. Princey looked shocked, Virgil's mouth was gaping, Thomas was staring at Patton with a Sorry look.

But he didn't expect Logan to have tears in his eyes.

"I-I'm sorry." He whispered, staring to cry. Patton's expression immediately changed to one of worry as he rushed over towards Logan.

"Kiddo it's ok! Now you kno-" Patton started, but Logan cut him off.

"Its just-you know what you feel. You know joy, anger, sadness, love. I don't know what I feel. And you can read others like a book, while all I can do is read a normal book. It just-" Logan explained, hiccuping before crying again, leaning in to hug Patton.

Patton stood there for about 3 seconds before hugging him back, a watery smile on his face.

"Logan," he started as said trait perked up.

"Its ok you don't know what you feel yet. I can help you! And it's hard to read others, It's always a struggle for me to do so. But you are so intelligent, funny, and kind, that you don't need to worry. The fans love you, Virgil,Princey, and Thomas love you, and most importantly," he started before looking at Logan in the eye, "I love you."

Logan let himself smile and thank him as he pulled away. "Thank you Patton." He whispered, his watery smile showing gratitude. "Anytime Logan, anytime." Patton assured, smiling.

"That was insane!" Thomas exclaimed, walking over towards the two!
"Yeah! You both has immense amounts of bravery!" Roman added, ruffling both of the traits heads.

"Yeah, I agree." Virgil commented. An awkward silence filled the room, and the four traits and their host decided to watch Disney movies until they fell asleep, and they did.

And Logan had been feeling something, and so had the others.
And he knew what this feeling was.
738 words
A/N- my babies are innocent. Alright that it's.
Also, please stop making Logan an antagonist all the time, he just wants to know what he's feeling.
Love u babs

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