Wanted- (Part 1) [CALM]

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TW- Suicide, Death.
Virgil's POV
"So, I have to...Convince people not to commit suicide like me?" I asked the man in the black cloak called death. He nodded.

   "Yes, you will be assigned a human, who you will be teleported to now." He replied, acting as if this was all casual.

As he teleported me, I thought about why I died, why I made this choice.

I was happy!

Wasn't I?

"Come on Virgil! We have to go! It's Saturday night and Logan is going to come this time!" My best friend-Patton-called out. I smiled, blushed and picked up my pace as we walked toward my crush/other best friends house. We eventually reached the house and he immediately opened the door.

"Greetings Patton! And to you as well Virgil!" Roman greeted, smiling that charming smile of his that made my stomach flutter.

  "Hey Romano. Can we come in please?" I joked. He stepped aside and welcomed us into his home. I looked over at Patton and Roman who were blushing towards each other. I brushed it off and we all had talked until Logan came.

    After talking for a few minutes, Roman cleared his throat.

  "Virgil, we have something to tell you." He spoke, his tone serious. I felt my stomach flipped as I nodded.

   "Shoot." I replied. Logan cleared his throat as well and spoke.

   "Roman, Patton, and I are in a polyamorous relationship. We do hope you won't judge us." He announced. I felt my stomach drop as I realized that all 3 of my crushes loved each other, and I loved them.

But they didn't love me.

I put on a fake smile and congratulated them, saying that it was "fine with me as long as I don't fourth wheel." But I wasn't fine.

I wanted to be able to bake cookies with Patton, and be able to kiss him after he put them in the oven, flour all over our faces. Then ending up cuddling and grinning as we ate the cookies

I wanted to be able to read books and listen to music with Logan, then listen to him rant about Watson. But I would cut him off by kissing him and then cuddling as we both read.

I wanted to be able to watch romantic Disney movies with Princey as we danced across the room, saying "I love you"s over and over. Then ending up cuddling as well. (I was a sucker for cuddling)

I wanted to be able to eat dinner with all 3 of them, as we all talked like a family.

I wanted to start a family

I wanted it

But you don't always get what you want, huh?

I felt myself open my eyes as I appeared in a familiar setting. Logan's House? I thought, panicked. I immediately glided up the stairs and into his room.

I felt my breath hitch, and I heard theirs as well.

My crushes were making a suicide pact.

492 words
A/N- Sorry this took so long! Writers block hit me like a truck. There will be a part 2, but not immediately.
I'm sorry if I don't update often, I've been needing inspiration for a while.
Maybe I'll do some fluff next
Aight love u babs

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