Pray for the Wicked

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TW - Cursing, Screaming.
POV: None


It was a peaceful day in the commons. Logan was reading a book, while Patton sat next to him, trying to get him to look at cute pictures of dogs and cats.

Roman and Thomas were looking at some Fander Fanart of him and the sides. They were also reading some fan fictions focusing on them too!

It was quiet.
But it wouldn't be for long.

Everyone stopped what they were doing as they heard music start to blast from the TV.

"Who connected their phone?" Logan questioned, seeing no one had their phones out. He then looked at the TV screen.

"Pray for the Wicked, Panic! At the Disco." Roman read out loud. He then realized who did this, and why.

"Its Virgil, a new album from Panic came out today." Roman said, a bit of fear caught in his voice.

Virgil could get... scary, when listening to Brendon Urie.

We all let the music play for a while, but when the chorus started, Virgil jumped from the top of the stairs to the bottom.

That must've hurt, they all thought worriedly.

   "THIS IS MY ROAAARRIINN! ROOOAARRIN TWENTIES! I DONT EVEN KNOW ME! ROLL ME A BLUNT CAUSE I WANNA GO HOME!" He screeched. But he got ten times louder at the next part.

   "ROLL ME A- ROLL ME A- ROLL ME A BLUNT!" And Logan has to cover his ears, afraid that they would start bleeding.

Virgil eventually finished the song, took out his headphones, and plopped next to Roman at the edge of the couch, acting as if nothing happened.

And that left everyone in the room staring at him, confused. Virgil looked up with a smile.

  "What's up?" He questioned. They all laughed and went back to their own things. And that left Virgil with not only a triumphant smile,

              but a dry throat.

                      But Virgil knew,

                                       It was so worth it.

320 words
A/N- Song was Roarin 20's by Panic! At the Disco from Pray for The Wicked
It's a bop.
Aight that's it


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