Late nights and Quiet Confessions [Royality]

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TW: Cursing and Insomnia
Idea from the amazing MT_Reade !

~Third Person~

Sleep. Something that all the sides had no care for, but Patton did.

Every night, he managed to pry Virgil from his phone, which was a definite challenge. He also managed to drag Roman from Imagination, and Logan from his work. He always managed to get them all to bed, rather they liked it or not.

Roman awoke to the feeling of his throat begging for water. He didn't want to get out of bed, and checked his side table for water.

Fuck, there's none. Roman grimly thought, rising from his bed to satisfy his throat.

He made his way down the stairwell, passing everyone's rooms. He smiled as he heard Virgil's quiet breathing and Logan's soft and quiet snores. It brought him joy to know they were finally resting.

   But as he passed Patton's room, he heard a video playing. He quietly opened the door to reveal a awake Patton, watching Cat videos.

Roman felt his heart thump loudly and his face heat up.

Why is he so cute? He thought, realizing he had a crush- no- was in love. He groaned quietly before realizing Patton was in the room.

Before Patton could notice Roman, The creative side quickly and quietly closed the door once more, making his way downstairs for water once more.

  But as he drank the refreshing water, he only had one thought.

         Why is Patton still awake?


Roman stayed up late the next few nights to see if Patton always stayed up that late, and surprisingly, he did.He could hear Patton walking around sometimes, quietly so to not disturb the ones Patton thought were sleeping.

After getting a bit of data, he realized that Patton usually went to bed at 5:00 AM, while the others went to bed at around 12 or 1:00 AM.

    Roman, anxious but confident, decided to confront Patton on this one night, and made his way towards the father-like traits room.

   He felt his insides flip as he opened the door, quiet enough for Patton to hear, but to keep the others asleep. 

     Patton felt his heart drop. The one that the moral side was so interested in and in love with. 

           "R-Roman! What are you doing up this late?!" Patton exclaimed, embarrassed to be up this late. 

      "I could be asking you the same thing." Roman replied, sitting next to Patton on his bed. He smiled at Patton warmly, and Patton felt his heart melt. 

     Patton smiled back and giggled slightly, and Roman felt his face heat up and heart almost turn into lava. 

            "How much sleep do you usually get?" Roman questioned. Not in a rude way, but in a worried and curious way instead. 

     "Uh, around 2-3 hours..." Patton replied quietly, hearing the quiet gasp from Roman. 

        "Patton! Thats so bad for your health! How can you even stay up that long?" Roman exclaimed, scooting closer towards the moral side, making the right brain traits blush. 

Patton sighed, deciding to open up. 

      "I have insomnia. I sleep at 5:00 AM, and wake up around 7 or 8:00 AM to make you kiddos breakfast." He confessed, voice grim . 

         Roman felt his heart break a little at that. The father-like trait seemed so hyper all the time, but in reality he had to stay hyper. He was stuck that way. 

         "Oh Patton, I'm so sorry..." Roman quietly comforted, putting an arm around Patton.Patton blushed, face turning into a red beet. Patton muttered a quiet "its okay" before realizing that Roman was also awake at the moment. At 3:00 AM!

"Roman! Why are you up so late?!" Patton questioned. "I was up a couple nights ago to go get water and then I noticed you were awake. I could hear the meowing from your room." He chuckled at the memory. Patton felt his face heat up once more. 

 "Don't be embarrassed. If anything, it made me fall in love with you mo-" Roman interrupted himself, realizing what he said. Patton stared at him blankly.

      "I'm sorry! I understand if you hate me or want me to leave-" but he was cut off with a pair of lips connecting to his. But not just any pair, Pattons lips. 

He quickly melted into the kiss, grabbing Pattons face. They kissed for another 10 seconds before breaking apart, needing air. 

   Roman felt his face heat up. 

"Well, now you know I love you too." Patton replied smoothly. Roman felt himself squeal before telling Patton to cuddle with him, which he agreed to happily. 

   They talked about Pattons insomnia, and how he hid his eyeballs with makeup. WhichPatton replied with just Virgils name. 

They soon both realized it was nearing 5:00 AM, and both sides were getting tired. 

"So are we boyfriends?" Roman questioned nervously. 

"Of course silly!" Patton giggled. Roman kissed his forehead lovingly, making Patton blush. 

 "Remember that if you need me to stay up with you ever, I will." Roman reminded Patton, smiling. 

"I know. I love you my prince, goodnight." Patton whispered, closing his eyes. 

Roman smiled before speaking. "I love you too, goodnight my dear." 

"And by the way," Patton muttered. Roman opened one of his eyes to listen to his boyfriend. 

"Yes?" He quietly replied. 

"I hope you dream of me, cause I will of you."Patton said before drifting off. Leaving a flustered and tired Roman more in love than he already did. 

"Silly Patton," Roman tiredly muttered, about to drift off. 

"You are a dream come true." 


921 Words

Idea credit MT_Reade

Finally finished! And my sister gave me her mac so I wrote most of it on here instead of my phone! 

Love u babs 


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