Chapter 3

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Jungkooks POV
Jimin threw a gun onto the table,then he started to laugh with the older male.
"Yoongi hyung,how much did we get?" Jimin spoke,my mouth gaped open behind taehyungs hand,holding back a shriek,he couldn't of just done a robbery?
Yoongi pulled his hand up and tipped out a bag full of money,spilling out all over the table, "At least fifteen million." Yoongi smirked,along with jimin. Suddenly,yoongi slid his arms around jimins hips and jimin wrapped his arms around Yoongi's neck.
"I love you hyung,we make a good team." The second the word love came out of jimins mouth, I felt my heart crack,shatter vigorously into millions of pieces,tears started to stream down my face.

"I love you too jimine." And with that,yoongi pulled him into a long,passionate kiss. I turned around and fell into taehyungs arms,tears sprouting out my my eyes,tae took his hand away from my mouth and pulled me in tighter,still making sure we couldn't be seen in the dark corner and he patted my back slowly for comfort,but nothing could help,recused the person I loved most in the world had betrayed me.

Taehyungs POV
Jungkook cried heavily into my chest as I carried on observing yoongi and jimin,their kiss broke and jimin coughed, " I better leave,jungkook is probably worried,ugh I can't wait to get rid of him." He snapped coldly,the words coming out of his mouth like thousands of knifes stabbing someone in the back. My blood started to boil and my body became tense and angry as they both smirked and laughed. I will never let jungkook get hurt,ever.

I had originally took jungkook here to explain this disgusting situation,but I knew he wouldn't listen and I would have to do it the harder way.

They shared another kiss before yoongi unlocked the door,taking his share of money and leaving, "I'll see you tomorrow babe,I love you,and well done today." He smiled before turning and walking out of the door.
After a few moments of fixing his hair,he stared to also gather his share of the money,but I really couldn't let him leave after all of this shit.

"Don't move." I whispered to jungkook as quietly as I could,he nodded and moved against the wall,still crying.
I ran out into the light,grabbing the gun off the table and putting it to jimins forehead,pinning him against the wall.
"Who do you think you are?" I snapped,my voice loud and angry.
"Park jimin." He cockily smiled and snickered,thinking he was smart, I rolled my eyes and put the gun closer,turning it,getting ready to pull the trigger.
"Haha,how funny." I sighed,my hand resting on the trigger,of course I'm not going to kill him.
"How could you do something like this,to someone as loving and loyal as jungkook?" I hissed,getting angrier by each word.
"Because,quite frankly I didn't care about him in the first place,I love min yoongi. My plan, is to 'get rid' of jungkook soon anyways" jimin laughed slightly,almost like he forgot there was a gun to his head.
"I'll let you do that over my fucking dead body. If you dare even think about hurting jungkook,I'll kill you,do you understand?" And with that,I putk the gun to the ceiling and shot up three times,jimin flinched letting the sound ring through his ears.
"Now get out of my fucking sight,you disgust me." I snapped,and he ran out of the door.

A/N: did you guys like this? Eek idk if it's good or not but I'm quite proud,comment if you want another chapter! :)

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