Birthday ball

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This story is about Jace and Clary basically as Romeo and Juliet like in Love Story by Taylor Swift, I hope you like it. (Side note: Some relationships between characters may be slightly different.)

The stars were finally visible as Clary leaned on the railing of her balcony. She was watching the other couples dance as she took a break from all of the festivities. She felt a little bad since it was all in honor of her, it being her birthday and all, but she had needed a break from all of the boys she had no interest in what so ever asking her to dance.


She turned around to see her mother standing in the doorway of her room.

"You really should come back down." Jocelyn said when Clary didn't respond.

"I will, just give me a couple more moments." Clary responded with a slight smile.

"Just don't take too long, your father's been looking for you."

"Yes, Mother," Clary said as her mother left.

Clary turned back around and looked down at the girls in their fancy dresses and boys in their clean cut suits. With a slight sigh Clary picked up the skirt of her gold silk dress and made her way back down to the courtyard where her parents were waiting for her.

Placing her mask back on her face, Clary started to make her way to the refreshments table that was on the other side of the dancing sea of people. She was almost their when a set of golden eyes caught her attention. Clary paused for a moment as the figure kept walking towards her. The boy was taller than her (not that that was saying much, it wasn't too hard to be taller than her), had golden somewhat curly hair, and wearing black pants and a loose white dress shirt that was shear enough to see the runes on his skin. His mask was simple and black, no designs, no fancy shape.

Clary's heart stopped a beat as he stopped in front of her with an amused smirk on his face.

"Would you like to dance," the boy asked as he held his hand out to her. Clary didn't respond, she merely took his hand in agreement, feeling sparks as she did. The boy led her a little more into the crowd and placed his free hand on her back.

"My name is Jace by the way." He said, still smirking some as they dance to a waltz

"Clary, nice to meet you." Clary responded, finding her voice at last. She was still taken back by the effect this boy, Jace, was having on her.

They didn't say much after that, but they kept dancing. Clary couldn't tear her eyes away from Jace's golden ones as they danced, they were captivating. Her heart, which had been racing the first few dances, had finally slowed to a somewhat normal pace but her skin still tingled where he touched her, even through her dress where his hand rested on her back. After what seemed like an eternity and merely a few seconds all at the same time Jace pulled his hand away from her back and bowed slightly, keeping ahold of her hand. Before straitening himself he looked up at her and smiled, he then let go of her hand and started to walk away.

"Wait," Clary called after him. "Please, wait."

To her relief he stopped and turned his head back to look at her, Clary rushed back up to him and placed her hand lightly on his arm. "Yes." Jace responded with a questioning look in his eyes.

Clary opened her mouth to say something then closed it. She was about to try again to say something, but instead decided against it and grabbed Jace by his wrist and led him away from the mob of still dancing bodies towards a somewhat dark corner close to the gardens where a bench was located.

"Clary" Jace said in a somewhat hesitant voice, she turned around to look at him. "Take off your mask."

"Only if you do first," Clary responded, tilting her head a little to the side. This made Jace chuckle a little and the sound was like music to Clary's ears.

"Alright," He said as he lifted his mask off and placed it onto the bench. Clary had figured he would be very handsome and she was right, and by the gleam in Jace's eyes he knew it.

"Your turn." Jace said with a smirk when Clary didn't remove her mask once he had. Clary blushed a little at being caught staring at him and looked down.

Clary quickly removed her mask and looked back up at Jace. She was surprised the sound of his breath hitching a little and his eyes had grown a little darker. Jace to a step towards her, closing what little distance there had previously been between the two of them. He then ran his fingers gently down the hand that still had ahold of the mask; he then removed it from her grasp and placed it on the bench beside his.

"You're beautiful," Jace said as he pushed a curly strand of her red hair behind her ear, his fingers gently touching her cheek for a second as he did.

"I bet you tell that to all of the other girls your strike your fancy," Clary said regaining her thoughts.

Jace chuckled again at his and said, "No, I tend to use other adjectives for the others."

"I'm sure you..." Clary stopped mid-sentence as she heard her father's voice nearby.

"I have to go," She said as her father called her name, his voice sounding closer this time.

"Wait," Jace said, still holding her hand in his, "I want to see you again."

"Clarissa," Valentine called, his voice still getting closer.

"Jace," Clary said as she tried to pull away.


Clary looked into his eyes and was surprised to see what she thought was a pleading look in them. With a sigh Clary nodded. "See that balcony up there," she said pointing up to her room, "tomorrow night after midnight stand in the shadows and throw pebbles up at it."

This seemed enough to please Jace because he nodded and let her hand go just as her father's voice sounded her name a few feet from her.

"Clarissa, there you are. Didn't you hear me calling your name?" Valentine said as Clary turned around to face him.

"I was just coming to find you." Clary said with a quick look over her shoulder only to find that Jace had already disappeared.

"Well come along, there is someone I want you to meet."

"Yes, Father." Clary said as she followed Valentine through the dense crowd. She wanted to get this night over, and tomorrow as well, so that she could see Jace

The mortal instrument : Jace§Clary (Romeo~Juliet)Where stories live. Discover now