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Chapter 14

My homework load and other random activities is starting to die down a little, so hopefully that means I will be able to post at least once a week again. I am not going to promise I will, but I will promise that I will try.

Clary was sitting at her desk with a painfully blank piece of paper in front of her and a still pen in hand. Frustrated, she ran her free hand through her mess of bed head curls to the best of her ability. She knew that she needed to write Jace, and she really wanted to, but she just didn't know how to go about it. The last few times they had seen each other they had left on bad terms after a rough exchange of words. Clary felt her heart sink a little, a feeling she didn't quite know what to do with yet. For what seemed forever Clary had been infatuated with Sebastian, but sometime between when she fell asleep and when she woke up that morning that infatuation had disappeared. It was as if she had been put under a spell and it had finally been broken. It was a disturbing feeling.

With a sigh, Clary finally attempted to write something down.


I know that we haven't been on the best of terms for a while and I am deeply sorry for that. I was just trying to deal with the situation the best way I knew how to, which I admit probably wasn't the best in the long run. I hope you can forgive me, but if not that am perfectly understandable. I also hope that this letter isn't causing your ego to grow, because my apology is not the soul reason that I am writing this letter. The main reason I wrote this letter is to warn you to stay away from Sebastian at all costs. I fear that if you were to confront him in any way something terrible would happen to you. So please, I know this is a terrible thing to ask, but if you ever cared for me at all, please, please, do not go near him. Especially on the battle field.

Yours truly,


Satisfied enough, Clary let the ink dry, folded the letter, and sealed it. She then ran down the stairs and gave it to one of the servants to mail. Feeling a little more relieved, she then went to the library to read in an attempt to get her mind off of her dream and what she felt like was a bad omen.

Clary spent the next few days doing the same routine: get up, eat, read, eat, paint or draw, eat, read, go to bed. Occasionally she would shake things up and go for a walk or a ride on her horse if the weather was warm enough, but it didn't liven up her boring routine in the least. To Clary's dismay, the war was still going strong and the Shadowhunters were still trying to find Sebastian. According to her father, every time they thought they were close to capturing him he would slip through their fingers like smoke.

Also, as each day passed Clary continued to wonder why she had ever liked Sebastian as she felt more discuss for him every day. It really was as if she had been put under some kind of spell that made her think she was in love with Sebastian and the very idea made her skin crawl.

Finally one day, Marcus gave Clary a letter with her name on it in neat writing she knew very well. She gave Marcus a wide eyed look before running up to her room to open the letter.

Dearest Clary,

I was surprised to receive your letter, but extremely happy nonetheless. Even though it seems impossible to you, I do forgive you. I will also take your advice and not let it go to my head too much by refraining from writing down many comments that come to mind that I mean good heartedly but would probably result in you wanting to slap me the next time we meet. I am also sorry to say that I cannot promise you that if given the chance I will not pursue Sebastian or try to be the one to either capture or end his life. But I will promise I will not go out on my own or rush into things. I hope that is enough, for I do care for you and always will. I do not fully understand why you are so concerned for my well-being if I was to cross paths with Sebastian, or why you are so sure that I will, but as awful as it sounds I am glad that it was cause for you to write me. Please don't be too angry with me.

The mortal instrument : Jace§Clary (Romeo~Juliet)Where stories live. Discover now