Moving on

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Chapter 6

Clary was sitting at her desk looking at the stele she held delicately in her hands. It was so beautiful and it was all hers. She would never be able to thank Luke enough for the gift. Turning it over in her hand Clary hoped see would get the chance to use it since her father was so overprotective of her.

Besides the wedding ceremony anyways. Clary thought to herself as she sat the stele down on her desk and got up to finish packing. Tomorrow morning she would be leaving with her parents to go to the Verlac's estate to visit for a few days. The ball would also be the evening after and Clary was glad that the trip would only be a few hours.

Clary was careful as she packed her new gown for the ball last into her travel bag. Hoping, once again, that Sebastian would approve of it. The thought no longer surprised Clary. She had realized a while ago that she had grown use to the idea of her being betrothed to Sebastian and that she no longer resented the idea. Over the weeks that had passed since the announcement Clary had slowly grown quite fond of Sebastian and looked forward to the next time she would see him.

She no longer despised his very being and she had to admit he was quite handsome with his pale hair and dark eyes; even his build was pleasurable to the eyes. Clary smiled at the thought of him again and she stood and put her bag by the door. Walking out onto the balcony Clary breathed in the late summer air, it would soon be autumn. Looking at the trellis, still slightly cracked, Clary felt her stomach tighten slightly but ignored the feeling. She hadn't thought about Jace for a while now and she wasn't about to let herself now, knowing it would only ruin her happy mood. With a finally deep breath Clary went back into her room, closed the balcony door, and went to bed. Clary lay awake for a while before sleep finally claimed her.

Clary was glad that the ride to the Verlac's went by quickly, though that was partly due to the fact that she had finished reading one of the books Sebastian had given her. She couldn't wait to discuss it with him when she had the chance. They had arrived before noon and Sebastian had been off running errands with his father. Currently Clary was trying to do something to tame her wild mass of curls and was having no luck what so ever.

With a sigh Clary set the brush down just as her mother nocked and opened her door.

"Want some help," Jocelyn asked with a slight smile as she walked over to her daughter.

Clary smiled and said, "Yes, please."

Jocelyn picked up the brush and ran it through Clary's hair a few times and then put it up into a not on top of Clary's head, leaving a few strand down.

"Thanks," Clary said looking up at her mother. Jocelyn smiled, her hand resting on Clary's shoulder.

There was another knock and Clary turned around to see her father standing in the open doorway, her mother must have left the door open. "You look lovely," Valentine said with a pleased look in his face. "Sebastian is downstairs; he's waiting to have tea with you."

Clary nodded and stood up quickly. As she started to walk past her father he grabbed her elbow and Clary looked up at him. Valentine had a somewhat intense look on his face and before he could say anything Clary got on her tip toes, kiss him on the cheek and continued on her way as his grip loosened. She heard him say something to her mother, but she was too far away now to make out the words.

Once down stairs, Clary made her way to the sunroom, remembering Sebastian saying that was one of his favorite rooms in the house. Hesitating a little bit, Clary walked into the sunroom and felt relieved that she had been right when she saw his pale blonde hair shimmering in the sunlight as he stood by a bay window door with his back to her.

The mortal instrument : Jace§Clary (Romeo~Juliet)Where stories live. Discover now