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Here is the final chapter of this story. I would like to thank all of you readers for sticking with me, even when I wasn't able to update regularly, and I hope you enjoyed it.

"Jonathan Christopher, no running in the house." Clary yelled at the blonde streak that disappeared around the corner with a little red head close behind. There was a crashing sound and Clary sighed as she put down her paint brush.

"Jonathan Herondale, what in the Angel's name did you break this time?" Clary made her way to the office where the crash had emanated. As if sensing her presence, Jonathan spun around real quick and faced her, his hands behind his back and an innocent look on his face. Scanning the room Clary didn't notice anything out of place, but Clary could just make out the skirts of Celine's dress from under the desk.

"Celine, honey, come out."

After a few seconds a headful of red hair peaked over the desk and Clary locked her eyes on the golden ones that were so much like her husbands. Those golden eyes glanced at Jonathan and then back to Clary. Celine stood up and walked over to Clary.

"I swear I didn't do anything wrong, Mom." Jonathan stated. Clary looked back at her son, who was an exact replica of his father only with her green eyes.

"Then what, pray tell, was the crashing sound I heard?" Clary put her hands on her hips and gave her twelve year old son a stern look.

Jonathan gulped a little and then glanced behind him. After shooting a glance as Celine, he stepped to the side and hung his head a little. When he moved Clary saw the remnants of a vase shattered on the desk and floor.

"I swear it was an accident!" Jonathan exclaimed. "I bumped into the desk and it fell before I could catch it."

Clary watched her son carefully and then looked down at her daughter and then back at her son. Sighing, Clary closed her eyes for a second.

"Fine, you're not in trouble this time, but I do expect you to clean up this mess before your father gets home." Clary said.

"Yes, Mom." Jonathan nodded.

Clary nodded and then looked down at Celine. "As for you, young lady, I do believe it was time you picked up your studies."

"Yes, Mama." Celine said softly and then made her way off to go to her room, glancing back over her shoulder a couple times as she did.

Looking at Jonathan, Clary was about to say something else to him when a knock sounded from the front door. After shooting Jonathan a warning look Clary left the office. Opening the front door, Clary saw a delivery boy.

"Mrs. Herondale." The boy said politely as he offered her a letter. "I was asked to deliver this."

"Thank you," Clary replied and gave the boy a couple of silver coins. Shutting the door, Clary broke the seal and opened the letter. She frowned a little as she scanned it quickly while making her way back to the office to make sure Jonathan was cleaning up the vase.

"What's wrong?"

Clary looked up and saw that Jonathan had a somewhat troubled look on his face as he studied his mother's face.

"Your father got tied up in the city and won't be back until tomorrow night at the earliest." Clary replied, more than a little frustrated.

A frown covered Jonathan's face. "But, he was supposed to be back tonight."

"I know." Clary said softly. She sat the letter down on the desk and walked over to her son. "How about I finish this up and you go train a little."

The mortal instrument : Jace§Clary (Romeo~Juliet)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat