Beginning of war

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Chapter 11

Clary had been ushered into her room and been locked in for her "safety" and she wasn't the least bit happy about it. Her father had managed to work his way back through the chaos outside to get back inside and had ordered a few servants to take her to her room and then went back outside to continue fighting. The first thing Clary had done after realizing she had been locked in was to go out on the balcony, when she did some of the anger disappeared. From there Clary would see what was going on below. Clary's eyes grew wide when she saw that the estate had been surrounded by not only Shadowhunters, but Downworlders and even a few demons.

What really surprised Clary was that the Shadowhunters weren't only fighting against demons, but that there were fighting there brothers as well. Never before could Clary remember a time when Shadowhunters had ever battled with each other in earnest and not in training for fun.

Clary was now in her room changing into the only set of Shadowhunter gear she had. It was actually an old set of her mother's that Clary had found in storage in an old chest when looking for a dress before they had some to the Verlac's estate. Curtain her mother wouldn't miss it, Clary had taken it out and hid it among her own wardrobe. Now, Clary was glad she had taken it as she tied her boots.

When she was done she braided her hair down her back and looked at herself in the mirror. For a second Clary couldn't believe she was the same girl, she looked so different in the black Shadowhunter gear than she did when dressed in fine colorful dresses. She didn't look like a silly girl, but a tough young lade, and she liked it. With a final look in the mirror, Clary grabbed the steal that Luke had gotten her for her birthday and drew runes for speed, strength, stealth, silence, and several others that she thought would be helpful.

Clary then walked towards the door and placed the steal onto the smooth wood and drew an open rune. Making sure no one was around she slipped out and made her way to the weapons room, which was on the other side of the house. Heart beating fast with anticipation, Clary opened the door to the weapons room slowly and edged herself in. Looking around, Clary found a few weapons she thought she could handle fairly well and left just as quickly as she had entered.

Satisfied now that she had weapons, Clary took the set of stairs closest her current location in the house and made her way down to the first floor. She didn't run into a single soul, they were probably all outside fighting. Before she could change her mind Clary found the closest door that led outside and entered the fray of clashing weapons.

Once outside Clary decided that she would only take down demons, since she didn't know who was or wasn't on her side. Just as she was thinking this Clary could smell the stench of a demon from behind her and spun around quickly and ducked as the demon made a swipe at her neck. Without thinking twice she grabbed one of the seraph blades she had and called its name, Clary then sliced off the demon's head before it could make its next move.

With a deep breath, Clary continued into the mass of fighting bodies and continued to take down demons as she came across them. She made sure to be very careful of those around her, not wanting to be forced into a fight with someone who wasn't a demon. Clary also didn't want to run into her father, for he would be force her to go back to her room if he saw her fighting.

Covered in sweat and smeared with demon gore and dirt, Clary lost count of how many demons she fought. Glad that none of them seemed to be extremely powerful demons, but all lower level ones. She had just decapitated a fairly week demon when she bumped into someone behind her and quickly jumped away and turned around.

"What are you doing?" Jace's voice was hard as he stared at her in disbelief.

It took Clary a moment to get a grip on herself to answer.

"I'm trying to help the enemy escape. What does it look like I'm doing?"

"Don't be sarcastic right now, you shouldn't even be here."

Clary felt stung by Jace's words for reasons she didn't know.

"I am a Shadowhunter as well; therefore, I have just as much of a right to be here as you do." Clary said fiercely before turning away.

Jace called her name but Clary ignored him and made her way to the next demon she saw. As she approached it she pulled out another seraph blade. She had already gone through three and they had all been destroyed by the amount of demon blood they had come intact with. Besides the one she was currently using Clary only had one more and then she would have to settle for a couple daggers she had put into her belt.

Clary swung the sword at the demon's neck in front of her; it had its back to her and Clary wanted to finish it off quickly and head towards the next one she had already spotted. But a split second before the sword made contact the demon spun around and dodged the blow. Clary let out a sound of frustration but recollected herself quickly and was on the offensive again. It took a little more effort than the others but Clary finally had finally severed the demons head from its neck.

Suddenly Clary felt a sharp pain in her side and she had to bite her lip from gasping. Clary's hand flew to her side at the same time she looked over her right shoulder. A few feet away there was a young male Shadowhunter with a bow in his hand and a determined look on his face, but when his eyes met hers his determination seemed to falter and he almost seemed startled. Clary looked away from him and looked down at her side where an arrow protruded from her side. Bringing her hand away, Clary saw that it was covered in blood, but she didn't let it affect her. Making a quick decision she broke the shaft but left the arrow where it was, afraid that if she pulled it out it would cause the bleeding to increase.

She took a step and decided it wasn't too uncomfortable, and she would probably forget all about it once she was started to battle again. Clary had barely taken three steps when she was shoved to the side. Gaining her footing Clary turned around to see who had pushed her, only to be surprise to see Jace fending off a demon.

"You should pay more attention to your surroundings," Jace said in a gruff voice as he deflected an attack.

Clary opened her mouth to say something and then closed it, not knowing what to say. She was about to ask if he wanted help when suddenly she felt week and her vision started to blur a little. Clary tried to breath deeper, but suddenly even her lungs seemed to be betraying her as she realized it was getting a little harder to get oxygen into her airways.


The thought came to Clary suddenly and she felt stupid for not taking the arrow head out. In her concern over increasing the bleeding she hadn't even contemplated the idea that the arrow could be poisoned. Of course Shadowhunters didn't usually worry about such a thing, but then again Shadowhunters didn't usually fight other Shadowhunters.

Clary's head had started to feel heavy and her legs had turned into rubber. She tried to stay standing but suddenly her knees just gave and she crumpled to the ground. Everything around her seemed to be moving slower than it should and sounds were farther away than the normally were. Clary felt like this should concern her but she was just so tired she didn't care.

Suddenly Clary felt hands on her shoulders and a voice calling out to her. With a great effort, Clary forced her eyes open and saw that Sebastian was in front of her, covered in dirt and grime and wearing a concerned look on his face.

"Clary." Sebastian said and Clary focused on her breathing. "Clary, please stay with me. I want you by my side."

Sebastian. Clary tried to say, but no sound came out of her mouth.

"Promise you will stay by my side." Sebastian said a little less concerned and a little more confident.

Promise. Clary mouthed.

"Is that a promise?" Sebastian asked. Clary nodded.

Sebastian seemed to have a satisfied look on his face as Clary's vision started to fade again, and something about the gleam in his eyes bothered Clary, but she didn't know what or why.

The mortal instrument : Jace§Clary (Romeo~Juliet)Where stories live. Discover now