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Chapter 17

Clary was sitting in the garden, reading. The snow had finally gone and flowers were starting to bloom. There was still a slight chill in the air but it had warmed up considerably. Putting the book down beside her, Clary sighed and looked up at the birds flying above her. She still hadn't heard from Jace and it was been weeks. It was probably nothing more than him being too busy to write her, but it still set Clary on edge. What if he had already asked her father and he had told him no? Or what if Jace had changed his mind? Even worse yet, what if he didn't think he was going to survive the final battle and this was his way of distancing himself from her. Clary couldn't take it.

Too depressed to keep sitting in the garden she got up and made her way back to the house. Once inside she went to her room and sat out on her balcony, needing the warm, fresh air. The slight breeze blew Clary's hair back as she closed her eyes and soaked in the sun's rays. Even with her distressing over Jace she did find some ease in the fact that she hadn't received a letter from Sebastian for a while. Longer than any other break between his letters anyways. But even this disturbed Clary a little bit. Yes, she didn't have to force herself to read something from a man who repulsed her, but she was also a litter wary of it. She had been using his letters to help her father plan his attack on Sebastian and what if Sebastian suddenly changed his mind about something drastic. There was no way to warn anyone.

"Miss Clary!"

Clary started and turned around to see Marcus standing in her room with a look of urgency on his face.

"Marcus." Clary said puzzled.

"You must come with me, we just received word that no one on the battle front had seen Sebastian and your father is afraid he may be coming after you."

"But, they are miles away, Marcus. Sebastian isn't one who would ignore a fight, especially one he thinks he has already won." Clary replied.

"It doesn't matter; we have to get you somewhere safe. If Sebastian doesn't come for you, fine, but if he does I'd rather have you where he can't get to you. As your father ordered." Marcus persisted.

Clary was about to abject again when her eyes caught the sight of smoke far off in the distance. Her heart sunk a little at the sight knowing that somewhere there were Shadowhunters fighting and risking their lives. If Sebastian truly wasn't on the front lines then there wasn't a doubt in her mind that he would come straight for her. The thought made Clary's stomach tighten a little.

"Fine, Marcus, let's go." Clary turned back to face him.

"Follow me." Marcus said somewhat relieved.

Clary did as she was told and followed Marcus as he led her down the stairs and to her father's office. Frowning, Clary was about to ask what they were doing there as Marcus started to slightly pull out random books from the bookshelf. Before she could say anything the bookshelf shifted a little and created an opening just big enough for a person to get through. To say Clary was shocked was an understatement. She had been in her father's office numerous times, but she had never known of a secret doorway.

"Come along, miss." Marcus said as he motioned for Clary to follow him again. No longer had Clary stepped through the door way the bookshelf shifted close, causing Clary to pause and wonder how they were going to get out.

"Marcus," Clary said softly as she caught up to the redheaded man. "What of the books? If someone goes into Father's office won't they notice and be able to follow?"

"No, Miss." Marcus stated, not looking back. "The books will go back into place."

Clary let that sink in for a minute before asking another question. "Where are we going?"

The mortal instrument : Jace§Clary (Romeo~Juliet)Where stories live. Discover now