Sudden truth

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Chapter 12

It had been a month since the announcement of her betrothal to Sebastian that had been so terribly interrupted by an attack of rebels. Somehow that battle that had taken place on the Verlac's estate was the beginning of a full on civil war. At first everyone thought things would be settled the next day, a week at the most, but everyone had been wrong. The battles were still raging on all over and as they continued to go on the temperature continued to drop. It was well into fall and winter really wasn't all that far away.

Currently Clary was curled up in a chair close to the fireplace in the library with the latest letter from Sebastian that she had just finished reading in her hand. As she glanced towards the window, Clary saw that the rain was falling harder than it had been a few minutes before and that the wind seemed to be blowing even stronger. She would have liked to have gone for a ride or take a walk in the garden, even though all the flowers were long dead by now, but it was so miserable outside there was no way she could.

The sound of the grandfather clock striking seven o'clock in the evening rang out throughout the house and Clary sighed as she was reminded of how silent the house was now. Not only was Sebastian off fighting, but so was both of her parents, Luke, and even Simon. A voice in the back of her mind stated that Jace was undoubtedly also somewhere fighting. With only her and a few servants inhabiting the house clary felt extremely lonely. She had reread every book she had received from Sebastian and several she already had, gone through an entire song book of sheet music for the piano, used up an entire book of drawing paper on art work, and had even knitted a scarf and a blanket. Frankly, she was running out of things to do with no one around to keep her company.

As the lonely feeling grabbed ahold of her once more, angle was rekindled within Clary. She was still upset with her father for not letting her go with them to battle. She would have been happy just to help draw iratzes and other helpful runes on the others and help in other ways, but her father hadn't even given it a seconds thought. Clary had hoped that since she had done so well at the Verlac's that her father might let her actually let her do something, but that hadn't been the case at all. Not even five minutes after Clary had woken up in her own bed was Valentine reprimanding her, albeit with a look of pride in his eyes. But none of that really mattered. She was still stuck at home all alone while the others were risking their lives.

"Miss, would you like some supper in hear?"

Clary jumped a little at the voice behind her and turned her head to see that one of the servants was standing in the doorway.

"Oh, no thank you. I'm not hungry, but I would like some tea." Clary said as her heart beat regulated itself. The servant nodded and scurried off to retrieve the tea.

Sighing, Clary sat the letter down on a nearby table and picked up the book she was currently reading. So absorbed in her book, she did not even notice the servant come back and place a tea set on the table beside the letter. It wasn't until Clary had finished the chapter, which had probably taken about twenty minutes due to its length, that she even realized that the servant had come and gone. Clary stood up to stretch her legs and placed the book on the chair. She then poured herself a cup of tea and added a little honey and lemon and walked over to the window. The tea was still warm, thankfully, and it helped sooth Clary as she drank it. It was dark outside, so dark in fact, due to the weather, that Clary could barely make anything out with her eyes. Taking another sip of tea, Clary turned away from the window and retrieved her book. She then started to make her through the house to the stairs to go back to her room. She wanted to answer Sebastian's letter immediately.

However she was stopped as she started to put her foot on the first step by someone calling her name, again. Looking behind her she saw her father's servant, her babysitter, walking quickly towards her with a package in hand.

The mortal instrument : Jace§Clary (Romeo~Juliet)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang