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Chapter 7

So I know some of you are questioning the fact of rather or not this is a ClaryXJace story, and it is. You just have to go with the flow and trust me.

Clary was in a garden walking on its maze like path, she wasn't sure whose garden it was, but at the moment it didn't matter. It was a beautiful day and the birds were singing in a nearby tree. Clary felt at ease. Suddenly a pair of arms wrapped around her and Clary tensed for a second and then relaxed as the owner of her arms said her name softly, his lips close to her ear. Clary turned around and smiled up at Sebastian, his pale hair almost white in the sunlight. He was dressed in Shadowhunter black and looked devilishly handsome.

"Where have you been?" Clary asked.

"Conquering the world." Sebastian's eyes gleamed a little and Clary felt unease sweep through her, but she was quick to push it away.

"Any luck?"

"Lots, but to be king of it all I need a queen." Sebastian's smile turned into more of a smirk and something in his voice alarmed Clary a little, but she ignored it once more. Feeling brave she wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him, moving so quickly he stood frozen in surprise. The surprise hardly lasted a second because he was soon returning her hungry kisses.

Clary pulled away and as she did she heard her name called from behind her and froze. Her breath hitched a little in her throat and her heart started to harmer hard inside her chest. Without knowing how, Clary turned to look behind her and saw Jace. He, like Sebastian, was also dressed in Shadowhunter black, only unlike Sebastian he was smeared with dirt and blood and his hair was plastered to his face and neck a little from sweat. Clary could also see that he had a gash on his left arm. Concern flooded Clary at the sight of him being injured. Finally she looked at his face and her heart skipped a beat. He was looking at her with such a pained expression, his eyes full of a mixture of longing, pain, and betrayal.

"Jace," Clary said softly and turned to look at Sebastian in alarm, but he was no longer there and Clary turned back to look at the boy with golden eyes.

Jace took a few long strides and stopped in front of her, his golden eyes a little darker than normal. "I missed you," he said as his finger brushed against her cheek, and the pain in his voice, the sadness, made Clary's heart clinch a little.

Clary brought her own hand up and rested it against the one touching her cheek. Suddenly, Clary's chest tightened and she felt as if her heart might shatter into a billion little pieces. "I missed you, too," she said her voice wavering a little.

"I'm sorry," Jace said looking down at her with such longing.

Clary didn't get the chance to respond because before she could even think of something to say his lips were crashing onto hers. Immediately, Clary allowed herself to melt into Jace and the kiss. His lips tasted like the sweat and blood he was covered in, but Clary didn't care. After what felt like an eternity and barely a second they broke away from each other, breathing deeply, but not actually letting go of the other.

Clary's skin tingled where Jace touched her and she felt a warmth deep down inside, in the very back of her mind Clary realized that this felt right, that this was what it was supposed to be like when you cared for someone, loved them even. Before the thought could actually reach the front of her mind Clary was yanked out of Jace's arms.

Startled, Clary looked up to see Sebastian on her right, his hand gripping just above her elbow. His face was hard and his eyes seemed almost completely black. What shocked her even more was the dangerous gleam his eyes had. Clary looked back at Jace and saw he had stiffened. His body tense and his eyes a little weary.

"Clarissa is mine," Sebastian said as he looked at Jace, his voice venomous and very hard sounding. "She is mine, not yours. She will never be yours for she has always belonged to me and she always will."

Clary saw Jace's face whiten a little and then redden with rage. "Don't talk about her like that." Jace said his breathing uneasy. "And if I was you I wouldn't get too confident."

Sebastian sneered at him and Clary was unnerved as she noticed that his eyes were completely black now, with not even the slightest hint of white. Suddenly Clary's blood turned cold and her breathing quickened a little.

"Clary," Jace said reaching out for her, but Sebastian pulled her behind him and out of Jace's reach.

Enraged, Jace made a move at Sebastian and pulled out a seraph blade. Before Jace had even made a move Sebastian had drown his own seraph blade and had disarmed Jace of his.

Sebastian laughed. "Like taking candy from a baby," he said cynically. Jace looked at him with eyes full of hate.

Clary saw Sebastian's face change a little and tried to call out a warning for Jace, but before she could even get the words out of her mouth Sebastian had run his sword through Jace and pulled it out. Jace looked down at the wound in surprise and then his eyes looked past Sebastian to Clary. Wide eyed, Clary ran towards him as he sank to his knees, her chest tightening. But before Clary could reach him Sebastian once again grabbed ahold of her arm and pulled her away.

Reaching out towards him, Jace fell onto his side, his breathing ragged. Clary felt tears whelm up in her eyes. To her side, she heard Sebastian start to laugh, not the laugh that sounded like music to Clary's ears but a dark, cynical laugh that made Clary feel sick. Looking up Clary was appalled at the man that stood beside her, this wasn't the Sebastian she knew, it was a much darker one who took pleasure in bringing pain to others. She looked back at Jace and felt the tears start to run down her face.

"I love you," Jace said in a very faint voice with ragged breaths. Clary tried to reach out for him, but Sebastian kept her out of his reach and started to pull her away from him altogether.

"Jace," Clary said faintly.

"I... have... always..." She heard him say, struggling to get the words out before his eyes dulled. Clary's heart stopped and she felt like she might die looking at Jace's lifeless form.

Clary began to scream and suddenly she was sitting in her bed with her eyes wide open. She was breathing heavily and her body was covered in sweat. That sick feeling still had ahold of her heart and Clary could taste salt on her lips from the tears she didn't know she was shedding. Jace. The name rang throughout her, in her head and in her very being. Jace. Once again Clary thought her heart might shatter at the thought of the boy with golden hair and golden eyes. Laying back down Clary felt relief flood through her as she realized it had all been a dream, a horrific dream, and that Jace was safe and sound and very much alive at his own home. The relief was soon replaced by despair as once again Clary mourned that she would never be able to be with him. Never again be able to feel her skin tingle as where he touched her. Never again feel his warm breath against her neck, hear his laugh, see his smile, or even look into those beautiful golden eyes that would darken and blaze like a fire at the sight of her.

Clary's head swam with thoughts and her heart ached for the boy she couldn't have. Finally she fell asleep, her head resting on a tear soaked pillow.

Hope this satisfied your hunger to see Jace again.

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