Unexpected guest

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Chapter 5

It had been almost three weeks since Clary had said goodbye to Jace and her heart still ached at the loss. Much to Clary's surprise, she was glad that she spent her days planning her wedding; it kept her mind off of the boy she could never have.

"Ouch," Clary said as a pin pricked her a little.

"Sorry," the seamstress that had poked her said, cheeks a little flushed.

Clary was currently getting fitted for the gown she would wear to her engagement party at the end of the week. The dress was done for the most part; it just needed a few minor adjustments here and there, like the hem taken up a little and her waist brought in a little as well. The dress a made of a silky material and was a light shade of blue, the sleeves hung off her shoulders, the bodice of the dress hugged her skin until it reached her hips and then it flared out.

Clary was surprised that she secretly hoped Sebastian was pleased with the dress. He been a guest in her house a several times since it was decided that they would marry and Clary was surprise to find herself eager for the next time he decided to visit. Much to her father's pleasure they had been spending a lot of time together, getting to know each other better. Last week Clary had realized she was actually found of Sebastian. He was easy to talk to and fairly laid back. When Sebastian was over they would talk about books and music, go on long horse rides or walks through the garden, and he knew how to play the piano and violin and would accompany Clary sometimes when she practiced. He also brought her gifts every time he came to see her and talk to her father. So far he had brought her a paint set with delicate brushes, three books, a silver locket, a gold chain bracelet, and a beautifully crafted wooden jewelry box he had made himself.

"Clary," a voice said and Clary was brought out of her thoughts. She hadn't noticed that seamstresses were packing up to go. Clary looked up to see her mother standing in the door way, a smile on her face.

"Yes," Clary said, curious as of to what had made her mother so happy.

"There is someone to see you in the library. I suggest you go there right away."

Clary's first thought was that it was Sebastian and she looked down at the simple pale green dress she had on, one that had ink and paint stains and one little patch near the hem where she had gotten too close to the fire the past winter.

"But," Clary said as she looked back up at her mother.

Seeming to know what Clary was about to say her mother interrupted and said, "Don't worry; what you are wearing is just fine. Go ahead."

Clary nodded and left the room. She hoped it wasn't Sebastian; she didn't want him to see her in the dress she wore when she was working in the garden or painting. Stopping with her hands on the handle to the library door she took a deep breath and pushed the door open. For a minor second she was almost disappointed when she saw the man sitting with his back to her had brown hair and not a pale golden shade of blonde. Hearing her enter the man stood up and turned around to smile at her and Clary's disappointment was instantly replaced by excitement.

"Luke," Clary said happily as she ran into his open arms. As she did he caught her, spun her around once, and sat her back on the ground. Luke was her father's parabatai and Clary thought of him as an uncle. He lived close by and growing up Clary could remember him spending a lot of his time here, and it seemed like when he wasn't at the Morgenstern house they were at his estate. Some of Clary's favorite memories took place at a manor house he had by a lake a day's journey from here where she had spent almost all of her summers until recently. Luke had been gone almost half a year working for the Clave and the last time Clary had seen him was Christmas, this was the longest she had gone without seeing him.

"Clary," Luke said with a smile stepping back to look at her and taking her hands in his own. "I do believe you've grown some."

"I haven't grown since I turned fourteen," Clary said.

"Then you've grown up some, matured more. You are quite the young lady now." Luke said. Clary rolled her eyes playfully at his compliment.

"When did you get back," Clary asked excited.

"Yesterday, I came here as soon as I was up this morning. Your father caught me as I was riding through the gate and greeted me instantly. He hogged me to himself until your mother found us. He left just a while ago to see to something."

"I'm glad you're back."

"Me too, I am sorry I missed your birthday." He said, disappointment showing in his eyes for a second.

"It's alright, you couldn't help it."

Luke smiled at her and walked over to the library desk. "I did get you a present," he said as he presented a box from under the desk. It wasn't very big and was wrapped in silver paper with a red bow.

Clary took it in her hands and removed the shiny paper, uncovering a box. She then opened the box and tilted it to empty its contents into her hand. A cold piece of adamas touched her skin and Clary felt her eyes widen and lips tilt up at the corner of her mouth. The object was silver and no longer than her hand.

"I love it," she said looking up at Luke, who had a very pleased look on his face.

"I'm glad you do, I thought it was time you have your own stele. Especially now that you are sixteen and betrothed."

Clary blushed a little at looks words and then suddenly the smile started to slip away, but Clary was quick to replace it not wanting Luke to notice.

"What's wrong," Luke said a little concerned, he knew her to well.

"It's just that I don't know Sebastian very well, and my father didn't even give me the choice on who I would marry." Clary said slowly, not completely sure she should be telling Luke this.

"I see," Luke said nodding his head, his eyes getting a bit more serious. "Do you not like Verlac boy?"

"No, he's nice and we get along just fine, I just wish I could marry who I chose. Or at least have been given the option of not agreeing with my father's choice."

Luke gave Clary a sympathetic look before speaking. "You said you liked the Verlac boy?" Clary nodded. "Then perhaps you will fall in love with him in time."

"Perhaps," Clary said, thinking about how she had been excited at the idea of Sebastian coming to visit her. Luke could be right, just because she didn't love him at the moment didn't mean she wouldn't love him in the future. They had grown quite fond of each other lately.

Clary looked up and smiled, "Want to go for a ride?"

"I was waiting for you to ask," Luke said with a smile as he offered her his arm and led her out of the library.

As you can tell Luke is still a shadowhunter and was never bitten by a werewolf. Valentine and Luke are still best friends and see each other as brothers. Hope you liked it and sorry it was so short. Promise to post the next chapter as soon as possible.

Please tell me if u like the story . U are also free to tell if u have any Ideas to carry out this story . Please don't feel shy.....come on dude go to comments and get to work 😋😜

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