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🔱Carlisle's p.o.v 🔱

this week felt more dreading than the years of the great depression,i had to constantly look at her photos and watch her recorded video chat from hers and bella's face-time the other day.

i have been blessed with such an understanding family however, that didn't  stop Emmett from joking around about how i act like a teenage stalker but he know better not to tease me too much cause [THE VOLTURI LORD] does not have the same sense of humour and patient as i do .  

jasper and i share a mutual thing which is , we both have alter egos . mine was caged in the back of my mind all this years due to the differences between my personality and my Alter's . my other self has a thick English accent and a hostile ,protective and impatient personality. but now that our mate is close i can feel his frequent appearances to the surface which make my eyes flash red whenever he takes over.    

i had been busying myself with work to not lose control and fly to London in this instant, Esme and Alice were redecorating the cottage we own near the river , Elijah always troubled with his family drama even though he is miles away from them voluntarily.

the week finally went by and Alice finally saw my mate booking a ticket saying that she'll be here on Monday afternoon. i couldn't hold my joy , jasper flinches every time i'm around because of how strong my emotions are .

On Friday, me and my family went for a "hunting trip ", we spent 3 days hunting in different parts of the forests. I let my alter ego took over and I react on instincts.
It was a bit stress relieving. when we got back; Edward went straight to his mate, I went to my room to take a shower . Now that she'll be finally here, i can't stop my self from overthinking and worrying. What if I'm not her type? What if I made a foul of my self and ruin the first impression. I was terrified from her not feeling the bond, I mean humans feel it too right?

I guess I gaved jasper a headache from my emotions because Alice skipped to where I stood in front of the glass wall. "15 minutes and she'll arrive , oh and I think she'll have a break just after she'll pass the welcome to forks sign. Maybe you and volturi lord will fancy seeing her up close,  just ummm don't go too close or you'll lose control " i nodded thanking her and grateful  that I lost the ability of blushing cause if not I would have been a dark shade of crimson red.

I couldn't really remember how did I get here, but I found myself standing in the forestline where Alice told me she'll stop. And though my heart lost it beating centuries ago , I could swore I felt it beats  that moment. All that time I spent mesmerised by her beauty held no value to how much she deserves better from me. She was a goddess, I was frozen in my place, breath deprived though I don't need breathing in the first place.
She gracefully climbed out from her car and a sudden wind rushed from where she stood all the way to me, i smelt her scent blown by that wind and I couldn't contain the roaring of the volturi lord trying to break free and claim our beautiful mate. I know if I stood there bit longer, I'll commit an action I'll regret later. With all the years of self control I managed to perfect, I run with full force to the house .

The volturi lord disapproving And the continues need to be near her won over a three centuries of practice. And I find myself hiding in the darkness of the forest line beside her house next to me Edward chuckling at my actions, saying that he from all people shouldn't find this funny but he just couldn't.  There she was again standing with her light brown hair, and lose curles cascading her slim figure,  she seems deep in thought or simply enjoying the view.  She touches the plants near her oh so delicately making my fingers ache  to meet hers. I felt a sudden thirst but not for blood but for a touch. I can feel my body in flames when her full lips blow the smoke to the air. I couldn't find it to myself to hate that view though smoking is bad for humans, but she makes look soo .....magical. 

To be continued. ...

finally found you ~Carlisle Cullen ~حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن