Reckless Awards

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Oh no! It's competition day today! This decides whether I'll be able to stay on the team. When I first heard about it, I was reluctant, but now I want to stay at the ALDC with these girls for ever.

We are roused at five by my mother and we all hurry to the studio to board the bus. Maddie, Kenzie, Brynn, Kalani and I all sit next to each other at the back of the bus in a five. I haven't seen my costumes yet, but I can't wait to try them all on.

The journey is filled with us all taking selfies and musicallys together. When we arrive Gianna checks us in before we get off. We are greeted by lots of fans, who scream even harder when they see me with them. We go to the dressing room and Abby tells us that the soloists are first.

"The costumes are in that suitcase over there." She points and all six of us hurry over.

I pull out my solo costume and gasp. It's an all in black unitard with straps on the left shoulder and below the right knee. It is adorned with white fake gemstones in the structure of cobwebs criss-crossing the unitard. I quickly change into it and put on purple eyeshadow and purple lipstick. My hair is in a curly bun with a cobweb net over it.
(Roughly based off this:

I look over at the other five

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I look over at the other five.

Lilly is wearing a costume which is almost split in half. Figures, since her solo is about a nerdy school girl who is a pop star at night. She has a big purple puff on one should with sequins all over it and on the other side is a plain blouse with a red tie.

Ellie was wearing a dirty mattered dress with a grey cardigan riddled with holes. Her dance was about a homeless person who decides that they don't want to sit there and beg, they want to get up learn and earn their own profit.

Nia was wearing a bright green wig and a red leotard which had cuts in the middle and a low back. It had red and green gems on it and spots. It was really ugly, and Nia was telling everyone about it, but her dance was about an acrobat who decides to try being a jazz dancer. I don't think she got a very good storyline or choreography, but it depends on how she pulls it off and what the judges think.

Kalani was a musical theatre piece called In the Glass, which I think will be hard to beat. It is about a girl stuck in a glass container and having to watch the world go by without anyone noticing. She gets so bored that she starts imitating everyone else around her. She is wearing a plain white dress and an elaborate hair band with glass hanging off it over her head.

Amy had a rake as a prop. Her jazzy solo is about living as a farm girl in Texas. There is not really anything to her story but it's got some interesting and well-put together choreography in it. She is wearing fake denim shorts with red scarecrows on the back pockets and a a red checkered farm blouse. Her hair is in pigtails, and even though she's older than me she looks adorable.


"Please welcome to the stage Lilliana with act 93 I Know!" We all cheer from the wings.

Lilly starts with a timid character running on with an aerial and then getting all scared. She is turned to the side so the judges can only see the school costume. By the end of the dance she rolls onto the floor kicks her feet up, gets up and does three pirouettes in a la second with a flexed foot and ends in a switch leap and down to a crouch. She walks off sassily.

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