Chapter 2 - The Kids Are Alright

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From 3.01 - The Magnificent Seven: In the rock club, Catty, Scarlett and Ness were dancing in the crowd, keeping it calm.

Catty looked at Scarlett and Ness. "Scar, Ness, I've got a year to live. I'd like to make the most of it."

From 3.01 - The Magnificent Seven: Outside Isaac and Tamara's House, Catty looked at Scarlett, Sam and Dean. "So what do you say we kill some evil sons of bitches and we raise a little hell?"

From 2.16 - Roadkill: In the cabin, Jonah Greeley's head exploded in a shotgun burst, disappearing, revealing Catty behind him with her gun raised.

From 2.21 - All Hell Breaks Loose: Part 1: In the schoolroom, the Acheri Demon approached Jake Talley, nails growing to form claws, her face contorted.

Sam and Scarlett both grabbed an iron poker, swinging it through the Acheri Demon, making her dissolve into a cloud of black smoke and exit the schoolroom.

From 2.07 - The Usual Suspects: In the abandoned basement, Claire the Death Omen rushed forward.

From 2.06 - No Exit: In the tunnels, Ness, Scarlett, Sam and Dean were shooting H.H. Holmes through a grating.

From 2.15 - Tall Tales: In the auditorium, the blonde and brunette girls had Ness restrained. Catty was on the floor a few feet away. The stake was a few feet between them.

Ness elbowed the blonde girl in the stomach. The brunette tried to punch Ness. Ness ducked to the floor, making her punch the blonde instead, making them both let go. Ness leg swept their legs out from underneath them, making them fall, at the same time, leg sweeping the stake across the floor toward Catty.

Catty caught the stake, standing instantly, turning to the Trickster, staking him in the heart.

From 2.16 - Roadkill: On the road, the Impala drove right through Jonah Greeley, making him disappear.

From 2.02 - Everybody Loves a Clown: In the funhouse, Even though Barry the Rakshasa was invisible, Ness kicked him off of her, standing, looking into the mirror in front of her to see a form without the smoke, stabbing the brass bar behind her into Barry's heart, turning to face him, twisting.

From 2.15 - Tall Tales: In the auditorium, Sam and Dean ran closer to tackle the man away from Scarlett, holding either of his arms to restrain him. Scarlett stood, continuing to punch and kick the man while Sam and Dean restrained him.

From 2.21 - All Hell Breaks Loose: Part 1: In Cold Oak, Catty, Dean, Ness and Bobby walked toward Sam and Scarlett.

Jake stood, picking the knife up from the ground.

"Sam, look out!" Catty told him. Jake stabbed Sam in the back. Scarlett, Dean and Catty held Sam's dying body in their arms. "Sam!"

From 2.22 - All Hell Breaks Loose: Part 2: On the Crossroads, Catty summoned her Crossroads Demon.

The male Crossroads Demon's eyes were red. "You're offering up your own soul?"

"All you got to do is bring Sam back," Catty told him.

"I'll give you one year and one year only," the Crossroads Demon told her. "You try to break the deal, Sam drops dead. I'll even add Dean and Scarlett to that list. All of them die."

Catty pulled the Crossroads Demon into a kiss to seal the deal.

From 2.22 - All Hell Breaks Loose: Part 2: In the abandoned house, Sam gasped himself alive, sitting up.

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