Chapter 6 - Red Sky at Morning

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From 2.02 - Everybody Loves A Clown: In the woods, Sam, Dean, Scarlett and Catty stood nearby John's funeral pyre, watching the body burn.

From 2.20 - What Is and What Never Should Be: In the cemetery, Catty and Scarlett stood at John's grave.

Dean: (voice over) "Look, Dad's gone now."

Dean: (voice over from 1.02 - Wendigo) "He wants us to pick up where he left off."

From 3.02 - The Kids Are Alright: In the house under construction's basement, Sam aimed the blow torch at the Mother Changeling, making her burn alive and scream in agony as she died.

From 2.16 - Roadkill: In the woods, Catty aimed her shotgun at Jonah Greeley's head. "Whoops."

Catty shot Greeley in the head, making him disappear.

From 3.01 - The Magnificent Seven: In the rock club, on the dance floor, Catty looked at Scarlett and Ness. "I've got a year to live. I'd like to make the most of it."

From 3.01 - The Magnificent Seven: Outside the Impala, Catty looked at Scarlett, Sam and Dean. "So what do you say we kill some evil sons of bitches and we raise a little hell?"


From 3.03 - Bad Day at Black Rock: In the diner, Bela was in the waitress disguise, tending to the Winchesters' table.

Ness: (voice over from 3.03 - Bad Day at Black Rock) "Bela Talbot's her real name, which means seriously bad luck for you."

From 3.03 - Bad Day at Black Rock: In the parking lot, Bela walked out, pulling off her short black bob wig, tossing it in a dumpster, smiling, letting her long light brunette hair flow out. She shook it out, running off.

Catty: (voice over from 3.03 - Bad Day at Black Rock) "Is she a hunter?"

Ness: (voice over from 3.03 - Bad Day at Black Rock) "Pretty freaking far from a hunter."

From 3.03 - Bad Day at Black Rock: In Bela's Apartment, Ness stepped out of hiding, aiming a gun at Bela.

Bela turned toward her, aiming at gun at Ness.

Dean: (voice over from 3.03 - Bad Day at Black Rock) "What the hell happened between Ness and Bela that makes even Ness wanna kill her?"

Bela tried to shoot Ness.

Ness pressed her back against the wall to avoid being hit.

Ness: (voice over from 3.03 - Bad Day at Black Rock) "You don't care if dozens of people die because of you, just like you didn't care that dozens of people died because of you the last time we met."

From 3.03 - Bad Day at Black Rock: In the cemetery, Ness was about to drop the Rabbit's Foot into the fire, hearing a gun cocking from behind her, turning to face Bela.

Bela aimed her gun at Ness. "I think you'll find that belongs to me."

Dean stood in front of Ness. "You're not gonna shoot anybody."

Bela shot Dean in the shoulder to make him shut up, making him fall to the ground.

Catty looked at Bela incredulously, aiming her gun at Bela. "What the hell is wrong with you?"

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