Chapter 15 - Time is on My Side

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From 3.01 - The Magnificent Seven: In the rock club, Catty, Scarlett and Ness were dancing in the crowd, keeping it calm.

Catty looked at them. "Ness, Scar, I've got a year to live. I'd like to make the most of it."

From 3.12 - Jus in Bello: In the police station:

A Demon grabbed Catty from behind, restraining her. Another ran toward her. Catty kicked the one in front of her in the face, making him fall to the floor, taking her shotgun, ramming it into the one who was restraining her's gut, making him let go, turning to face him, hitting him in the face with the gun repeatedly, making him fall to the floor.

Two more Demons ran inside. Scarlett shot one in the chest. When the other got close to Scarlett, she hit him in the face with the end of her shotgun, spinning her gun around to shoot him in the head, making him fall. Three more Demons ran inside. Scarlett shot all three of them in the chests, making them fall, backing away.

A Demon appeared behind Ness, pushing her against the wall, hard enough to break the plaster. Ness used the end of the shotgun to hit him in the face, making him let go and back away, instantly turning the gun to face him, shooting him in the face, making him fall to the floor.

Sam was punched in the face, falling to the floor. He stood, splashing his assailants with Holy Water, making their skin burn, sizzle and smoke, backing away toward the main room.

A Demon ran closer, tackling Ness to the floor, making them roll across the tile. He straddled Ness to the floor, starting to strangle her. He was suddenly shot in the head, falling off of Ness onto the floor next to her. Ness gasped for breath in relief, turning to see Dean with his shotgun raised.

Catty: (voice over from 3.01 - The Magnificent Seven) "So what do you say we kill some evil sons of bitches and we raise a little hell?"


From 3.12 - Jus in Bello: In the police station, everyone was gathered in the main room.

Ruby looked at Sam and Scarlett. "You didn't tell Catty and Dean?"

"Tell us what?" Catty asked.

From 3.12 - Jus in Bello: In the police station, Lilith stood in front of Henriksen, Nancy and Amici, letting her eyes turn completely white. She raised her hand toward them, making a beautiful, blindingly bright white light fill the entire room.

Ruby: (voice over from 3.12 - Jus in Bello) "There's a big new up-and-comer. Her name is Lilith."

From 3.12 - Jus in Bello: In the police station, everyone was gathered.

Zane looked at Catty and Dean. "She really, really wants Sam and Scarlett's intestines on a stick."

From 3.05 - Bedtime Stories: At the Crossroads, Dean aimed the Colt at Catty's Crossroads Demon.

"Let Catty out of her deal right now," Sam told him.

"I'm just a salesman," the Crossroads Demon told them. "I got a boss like everybody."

"Who holds the contract?" Sam asked.

"I can't tell you," the Crossroads Demon told them.

Dean shot the Crossroads Demon in the head with the Colt, killing him.

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