Chapter 9 - Malleus Maleficarum

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From 2.02 - Everybody Loves a Clown: In the woods, Sam, Dean, Scarlett and Catty stood nearby John's funeral pyre, watching the body burn.

From 2.20 - What Is and What Never Should Be: In the cemetery, Catty and Scarlett stood at John's grave.

Dean: (voice over) "Look, Dad's gone now."

From 2.17 - Heart: At Hunter's Point, Glenn the Werewolf tackled Catty to the ground, turning her to face him, raising a hand to slash into her.

Dean and Scarlett stood behind Catty, shooting Glenn in the chest repeatedly with silver bullets, killing him.

Dean: (voice over from 1.02 - Wendigo) "He wants us to pick up where he left off."

From 3.02 - The Kids Are Alright: In the house-under-construction's basement, Sam aimed the blow torch at the Mother Changeling, making her burn alive and scream in agony as she died.

Catty: (voice over from 3.01 - The Magnificent Seven) "So what do you say we kill some evil sons of bitches..."

From 3.01 - The Magnificent Seven: Outside the Impala, Catty looked at Scarlett, Sam and Dean, smirking. "And we raise a little hell?"


From 3.01 - The Magnificent Seven: In Isaac and Tamara's house, Zane appeared behind Isaac/Gluttony, catching his arm before he could hurt Scarlett. Scarlett was surprised but took advantage, using her Palo Alto stake to stake Isaac/Gluttony to the ground.

Ruby walked in, pulling an unusual knife with a sharp point and jagged edge and an engraving on the blade from its sheath, spinning it to get a better grip.

Sam: (voice over from 3.01 - The Magnificent Seven) "Bobby, Ness, that knife... what kind of blade can kill a Demon?"

Sam restrained Pride from behind him. Ruby stabbed Pride through his chin into his head with the knife, making him flash with red light briefly, killing him, taking the knife out, letting him fall to the floor, breathing heavily.

Bobby: (voice over from 3.01 - The Magnificent Seven) "Yesterday, I would have said there's no such thing."

From 3.04 - Sin City: In the woods, Bobby shot a burlap sack target hanging from a tree, leaving a hole where sand fell through it to the round below.

Zane approached. "Won't stop a Demon, if that's what you think."

"How the hell would you know?" Bobby asked.

Zane let his eyes turn black. "Call it an educated guess."

Bobby shot Ruby in the chest to see that nothing happened. "What do you want?"

"Do you want us to help you out with that gun or not?" Zane asked.

From 3.03 - Bad Day at Black Rock: In the Impala, Catty looked at Sam and Scarlett. "The second you find out Ruby and Zane are Demons, you go for the Holy Water. You don't chat."

"No one was chatting, Catty," Sam told her.

"Oh, yeah?" Catty asked. "Then why didn't you send their asses back to Hell?"

"They told us they could help you, okay?" Scarlett asked.

"They know what your weakness is," Catty told them. "It's Dean, and it's me."

Worlds Colliding (Supernatural, Book Three)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora