Chapter 11 - Mystery Spot

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From 3.01 - The Magnificent Seven: Outside the Impala, Catty looked at Scarlett, Sam and Dean, smirking. "So what do you say we kill some evil sons of bitches and we raise a little hell?"

From 1.19 - Provenance: In Evelyn's House, Catty stood in front of Brett, swinging an iron poker through Melanie Merchant, making her disappear.

From 2.03 - Bloodlust: At the mill, Dean grabbed a crowbar from nearby, ramming it into Conrad the Vampire's gut.

From 2.19 - Folsom Prison Blues: In the prison's infirmary, Nurse Glockner reached into Dean's chest, gripping his heart, exhaling, her breath visible. Dean flung salt at her, making her disappear.

From 2.15 - Tall Tales: In the auditorium, The man with the chainsaw tried to slash into Scarlett with the chainsaw. Scarlett raised her stake over her head to make sure the chainsaw sawed through the stake instead of her head, kicking the man away from her, punching him repeatedly. Sam and Dean ran closer to tackle the man away from Scarlett, holding either of his arms to restrain him. Scarlett stood, continuing to punch and kick the man while Sam and Dean restrained him.

The blonde and brunette girls were restraining Ness. Ness elbowed the blonde girl in the stomach. The brunette tried to punch Ness. Ness ducked to the floor, making her punch the blonde instead, making them both let go. Ness leg swept their legs out from underneath them, making them fall, at the same time, leg sweeping the stake across the floor toward Catty. Catty caught the stake, standing instantly, turning to the Trickster, staking him in the heart.

The Trickster: (voice over from 2.15 - Tall Tales) "Nice show, ladies."

From 2.20 - What Is and What Never Should Be: In the warehouse, the Djinn pinned Sam to the stairs, his eyes and hand glowing blue, trying to touch Sam's head.

Dean appeared behind the Djinn, stabbing him in the back with the knife, killing him.

From 2.15 - Tall Tales: In the auditorium, Ness stood, breathing heavily, walking forward. "Nice show, indeed."

Scarlett, Ness and Catty exchanged a look, smirking, looking at the Trickster's body in front of them.


From 2.22 - All Hell Breaks Loose: Part 2: At the Crossroads, Catty's Crossroads Demon looked at Catty. "You're offering up your own soul?"

"All you got to do is bring Sam back," Catty told him.

From 2.22 - All Hell Breaks Loose: Part 2: In the cabin, Sam gasped himself alive. He sat up on the mattress, looking around, confused, breathing heavily.

Dean and Scarlett were standing in the room, looking at Sam in shock, not knowing what happened, what to do, or how to react. "Sammy?"

"Dean?" Sam asked. "Scar? What happened?"

From 2.22 - All Hell Breaks Loose: Part 2: In the Singer Salvage Yard, Scarlett looked at Catty. "How long did they give you?"

"One year," Catty answered.

From 2.22 - All Hell Breaks Loose: Part 2: At the Crossroads, Catty's Crossroads Demon inched closer to Catty. "If you try and welsh your way out, then the deal is off. Sam, Dean and Scarlett die, and you're left all alone without your family trying to figure out how to get out of bed in the morning."

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