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Lena sat down shakily at the huge ensemble of computer screens in the den, as she began to run the number plate through the police, FBI, and CIA databases looking for a match so she could finally get to figuring out how exactly she was going to rescue Diana and Kara, of there even was a Diana and Kara still to rescue. Lena shook that thought from her mind, she refused to think so negatively, she would be dammed if she was going to loose her team so easily. Everyone thought that Supergirl and Wonder Woman of all people could look after themselves, but Lena knew this to be very untrue, their missions had been getting messier, more dangerous ever since she quit the team, they couldn't get out of this alone. They were going to need Lena in their corner. 

Lena had lost all concept of time, she didn't even know what day it was as she banged her fist down in frustration on the modern, beautiful white desk in the den. She wasn't getting a single match on the SUV's number plate anywhere, and she must have checked every single intelligence agency in the world's databases. Lena leaned back in the chair, there must have been something she was missing. She rubbed her eyes, surprised they hadn't gone square yet, and that was all the scientific evidence she needed to be sure it was a lie. She looked around the den, hoping a clue would just be staring her right in the face, thats what happened in all the movies after all when it looked like all hope was lost. 

Lena furrowed her eyebrows as she got to her feet, stretching off her cramping muscles as she began to walk around the den, looking at the walls in particular, she didn't remember decorating the walls, she saw the outline of a string of fairy lights and chuckled slightly, the only person she knew that would think putting fairy lights in a den for illegal, vigilante behaviour would be Kara. Lena flicked off the main light to the den, and as she did so the fairy lights turned on radiating a beautiful warm, gold colour like clockwork. Lena looked around in awe, not quite believing what she was seeing. There was photographs after photographs scattered artistically all around the walls of the den, lit up by the glow from the fairy lights, and Lena didn't think she had ever seen something so beautiful.  

She walked around admiring Kara's handy work, there were pictures of the whole super team before the tragic events that had changed the game, each one having its own little caption in a glowing metallic silver contrasting with the warm glow of the fairy lights. It was beautiful. Then there were candid photos of every single person in the team, even Harleen, Lena couldn't help but chuckle slightly at the funny expressions people were pulling, the photos of her however weren't so much funny as they were effortlessly pretty in her white lab coat and glasses. Kara must have taken those, no one else would have.  Near the end of the display Lena saw a picture that made her hearty almost sing with happiness. A picture of Kara holding two test tubes in her strong, safe hands and Lena standing behind her directing her in what to do. 

Lena remembered that day well, Kara had come to her wanting a distraction from still not mastering the art of using her heart vision in a non life threatening way, luckily for her Lena was mid experiment on some of Kara's blood to try and figure out what was going on inside of the blonde, and after some begging on Kara's part she had finally agreed to let the blonde help.And lets just say science was definitely not Kara's forte. Just the memory was enough to make Lena smile as she lifted her hand up to touch the picture gently closing her eyes and breathing deeply. 

"Hello? Is anyone in here!" Lena was snapped out of her happy head space by someone shouting from what sounded like her lab, quick as a flash Lena had turned off the computers and the fairy lights, as she ran to the entrance of the den, walking through the door and into her lab, closing it quickly behind her. Luckily Lena had put a fingerprint lock on the door so the only people who had access to the den were Diana, Kara and herself, safety first after all. Lena saw a women standing over one of Lena's work benches, she recognised her, She was with Kara at the family day.  The woman looked up when she heard Lena emerge from the den, smiling but Lena could see the concern in her eye. "I'm Alex, Kara's sister, I haven't heard from her in a while and I was just wondering where you knew where she was?" Alex asked her voice wavering slightly in concern. 

Lena clenched her jaw, how was she going to explain this one without outing Kara's secret, but if she was going to have any hope in getting Kara and Diana back she would need some help, and who better than Kara's big sister who looked tougher than bricks. "Alex theres something you should know about Kara." Lena began taking a deep breath, Alex crossed her arms, looking confused. "Kara is- well, she's-"

"Spit it out!" Alex spat, growing impatient and more nervous by the second, no one took this long to tell good news after all. 

"She's Supergirl, Kara is Supergirl." Lena said, watching Alex's expression carefully. Alex smiled chuckling slightly. 

"Yeah, I know, I have seen my sister without glasses you know" Alex said lightheartedly making Lena chuckle along with her. "So is she just busy being a Superhero is that why I've not heard from her in goodness knows how long?" Alex questioned, the tone of the room growing morbid once more. 

"No." Lena paused slightly, "She along with Wonder Woman was kidnapped, and I've been running the plates of the SUV they drove away in for ages but they are completely off the grid." Lena explained sitting down at the work bench, completely beaten. 

"We're getting my sister back Luthor, so why don't you show me your little Superhero hangout and we can start looking for the bastards who stole my sister." 

Authors Note: 

Hey guys I hope you enjoyed that chapter and thank you for all the votes, reads and comments it means a lot!

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