5- Queens enemy

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Queen POV

"Christian I.... I don't know if I can be serious with you. Not with the life I live." I said.

"I understand that but you can get out the game." He said pulling me to him.

"I was born into this. There is no getting out." I replied stepping back.

"There is always a way to get out." He said.

"Not for me plus I like this life. I'll see you around Christian." I said leaving before he could protest.

I pulled up to the trap still thinking about Christian

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I pulled up to the trap still thinking about Christian. I was actually considering getting with him. Then I realized I couldn't have a future with him. We would make a VERY dark baby. I can't put that burden on my child. I need to stick with my light skins and mixed boys.

"Boys we got a meeting in my throne room in 5 mins sharp!" I yelled going straight to my office.

I need to get my head straight before I fall for the chocolate man. I have more pressing matters. There's a rat and I need to find out who it is.

I walked out to the throne room where all my men were in a straight line. I pulled out my gun and slowly walked down the line pointing my gun at each of their heads as I walked down the line.

"So one of y'all is telling my enemy my damn secrets and I want to know who it is so somebody better start talking or I will kill everyone of you!" I yelled.

They all stood motionless still not talking.

"Fine!" I yelled and shoot one of them in the leg. Then I pointed my gun to his head. "So nobody wants to fucking talk to me okey I guess all y'all niggas dieing today." I yelled.

"Okey okey I'll talk!" One guy said. I looked up the boy. Who was the one I shoots brother.

"Well speak!" I yelled back highly annoyed.

"Itss.... itsss James!" He said lowly.

"You fucking snitch I will kill you!" James yelled.

I didn't think twice before I shot him in the head.

" Now you help him to our doctor." I ordered one of them. " The rest of you assholes clean this shit up and make sure to cut him up and feed him to the loins." I yelled.

Christian POV

I walked into my office and sat down. I been thinking about Sapphire ever since she left. I don't know what it is about her but I can't get her out of my head.

Its horrible that she doesn't see what I see she doesn't realize how beautiful and intelligent she is. She doesn't realize she doesn't need to be in a gang but she won't give me the chance to prove her wrong.

I snapped out of my deep thoughts of Sapphire feeling someone's presence behind me.

"Listen very carefully or you will die right here. Turn around and put your hands up in the air and don't try anything funny." A man voice said.

"What do you want?" I asked after turning to face him.

He was a young boy in his teens maybe. Tall and super skinny. His hand shook while holding the gun but his eyes showed no fear or mercy. I could also tell by the look in his eye he had lost something as if his now cold eyes were once full of life. I wonder what happened to him.

"Well I want Queen and to get to her I need you as bait." He said hitting me over the head.

All I could think about was Sapphire. How the hell did she get me knocked out 2 times already? Lord even knocked out I still can't get her off my mind.

___Sorry for the long wait.
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